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- 3 year results after the implantation of the microstent cypass
M.Rau GERMANY - A case of immunosuppressive therapy triggering severe phantom limb pains
N.Burgess UK - A conservative approach in a penetrating eye injury with an intraocular foreign body
S.Diafas GREECE - Accuracy of IOL power calculation after combined phacovitrectomy for diabetic tractional retinal detachment
E.Eyvaz TURKEY - Amniotic membrane grafting for external ocular surface rehabilitation in pediatric age
S.Crisostomo PORTUGAL - Anterior bilateral acute uveitis: seeing the general picture
M. Srur Colombo SPAIN - Anterior segment measurements in oral fluoroquinolone users
A.Özçelik Köse TURKEY - Assessment of safety and efficacy of quadrible technique in managemnt of recurrent pterygium
A.Samman EGYPT - Assessment of the accommodation response over sustained near visual tasks with different electronic devices, using a Hartmann-Shack aberrometer
A.Moulakaki SPAIN - Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome in monozygotic twins: case report
B.Sezgin Akcay TURKEY - Bilateral drug induced mydriasis: an unexpected finding during routine eye examination
M.Parava GREECE - Brightocular cosmetic iris implants: perils and progress
W.Kheir LEBANON - Canaloplasty ab interno (ABIC): a yearly results of four patients
A.Byszewska POLAND - Changes in ocular surface disease after express implant surgery in glaucoma patients
E.Conesa SPAIN - Chorioretinal atrophy after electrical injury
A.Aligera LATVIA - Choroidal thickness in patients with adult onset vitelliform macular dytrophy
M.Demir TURKEY - Clinical and refractive outcomes of Toric phakic implantable collamer lens implantation for correction ofmyopic astigmatism
S.Rattan JORDAN - Clinical consequences of MTF-focus-through curves
P.Hagen GERMANY - Comparison of anterior segment measurements obtained by two different devices in keratoconic and healthy eyes
L.Bilandarli AZERBAIJAN - Comparison of induced astigmatism after standard guarded trabeculectomy with MMC and glaucoma drainage device implantation
M.Zozolou GREECE - Conjunctival lymphangiectasia in Ser77Tyr hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis
M.Labetoulle FRANCE - Contact lenses fitting after intracorneal ring segments (ICRS) implantation
A.Abreu PORTUGAL - Corneal and lens anomalies in children with optic disc coloboma
A.Skriapa-Manta SWEDEN - Corneal epithelial thickness map by optical coherence tomography in normal eyes and corneal diseases
S.Garcia Delpech SPAIN - Corneal epithelial thickness mapping by optical coherence tomography in normal eyes and corneal diseases
S.Garcia Delpech SPAIN - Detection rate of angle closure morphology in glaucoma services of a South Indian district hospital
P.Nelli INDIA - Distribution of anterior chamber angle width and correlation with age, refraction and lens thickness: the Gutenberg health study
A.Schuster GERMANY - Effect of daily disposable soft contact lenses on the tear film quality, assessing the higher-order aberrations after blinking
A.Moulakaki SPAIN - Effects of cataract surgery on vision and OCT changes in patients with active neovascular AMD (nAMD)
B.Aziz UK - Effects of femtosecond and excimer lasers on implanted KAMRA corneal inlay: an experimental study
F.Sammouh LEBANON - Efficacy of intraoperative anterior segment optical coherence tomography during corneal, cataract and glaucoma surgery
A.Hervás Ontiveros SPAIN - Endophthalmitis after cataract surgery and intravitreal therapy: 5 year experience in Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, Croatia
M.Bilen Babić CROATIA - Extreme monovision in phakic or pseudophakic eyes for alleviation of long standing diplopia
E.Patsoura GREECE - Fourier-domain anterior segment OCT imaging for children: a case report
M.Fortunato ITALY - Fourth year follow up results after transscleral XEN glaucoma gel stent implantation in a prospective multicenter trial
M.Lenzhofer AUSTRIA - Glaucoma vision screening: an evaluation of outcomes and patients’ perception regarding the disease and its detection
E.Kanonidou GREECE - High definition imaging correlations in topiramate-induced acute glaucoma and myopia
K.Vahdani UK - Hydrophilic acrylic IOL opacification following DSAEK
N.Karagianni GREECE - Hypotensive effect of solitary cataract phacoemulsification and combined phacoemulsification with modified trabeculopuncture in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma
V.Melnyk UKRAINE - Identification of potential microbial ophthalmological procedure risk factors: multiple operating suite surfaces and air volume cultures
S.Georgiadou GREECE - Initial clinical experience with Ahmed glaucoma valve implants with scleral flap method in a rural population of Central India
C.Kalamkar INDIA - Innovations in the treatment of retinovascular macular oedema: macular double block
M.Ismailov -0 - Intralesional ziv-aflibercept in a recurrent inflamed pterygium
W.Kheir LEBANON - Intravitreal Bevacizumab for macular edema secondary to branch retinal vein oclusion
B.Kambo ALBANIA - Iris-fixated intraocular lenses for the correction of aphakia in adult patients with the use of VacuFix device: 1 year follow-up
C.Papandreou UK - Isolated iris metastasis of gastric adenocarcinoma
A.Celebi TURKEY - Laser photocoagulation and bevacizumab for recurrent pterygium: a new approach
E.Mata Diaz SPAIN - Laser pointer retinopathy
Y.Almegbel SAUDI ARABIA - Latanoprost 0.005% preservative-free ophthalmic solution(Monoprost) vs Latanoprost 0.005% ophthalmic solution
A.Pissarakis GREECE - Macula capillary perfusion evaluation with spectral domain OCT and its correlation to HbA1C levels and clinical duration of diabetes mellitus
E.Tsichlis GREECE - Monocular corneal blindness due to ocular cicatricial pemphigoid: case presentation
M.Radenkovic SERBIA - Moulding a multifocal pattern into the cornea epithelium with multifocal orthokeratology (MOK) results in arresting myopia progression in children
M.Kynigopoulos SWITZERLAND - Myopia and visual function impairment: electrodiagnostic findings in a highly myopic young adult
M.Banteka GREECE - Non-surgical management of exposure keratopathy in harlequin ichthyosis cicatricial ectropion
G.Kalantzis UK - Novel approach to prevent endothelial tear/detachment in combined advanced pseudoexfoliation and diabetes mellitus
O.Abdullah JORDAN - Ocular parasitosis: case report
E.Bulica ALBANIA - Ocular surface disease in cataract patients
A.Liaska GREECE - One year results of combined trabeculectomy: trabeculotomy operation with combined MMC and collagen matrix implant (Ologen) in primary congenital glaucoma
K.Sayed EGYPT - Ophtalmotonous pressure change after vitreoretinal interferences
G.Zhurgumbayeva KAZAKHSTAN - Ophthalmological tourist potential in Greece
P.Ntonti GREECE - Orbital myositis and Crohn΄s disease: rare but possible
E.Koulali GREECE - Orbital tumors patients conducted operative action in operating rooms in Hospital Haji Adam Malik Medan Indonesia: period 2011-2013
S.Azmeila INDONESIA - Pars plana endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation in refrectary glaucoma
E.Infantes Molina SPAIN - Pregnancy changes on the eye
M.Saif EGYPT - Pupilloplasty in corectopia due to iris incarceration in tube of Ahmed valve
E.Infantes Molina SPAIN - Rare complication of a blunt ocular trauma
M.Polyzos UK - Re-Perg: a new procedure for electrophysiological diagnosis of glaucoma that may improve Perg specificity
A.Mavilio ITALY - Retained ointment after phacoemulsification: new tools for diagnosis and therapy
R.Antonios LEBANON - Sequential argon-YAG laser membranotomy of extensive persistent pupillary membrane with visual loss
M.Abdul Fattah LEBANON - Simultaneous complete intracorneal ring implantation with intrapocket collagen cross-linking for treatment of keratoconus
S.Rattan JORDAN - Spontaneous crystalline lens luxation into the anterior chamber after routine dilated examination
G.Bagikos GREECE - Spontaneous dislocation of the posterior chamber intraocular lens
Y.Mohamed JAPAN - Survival of visual function in patients with advanced glaucoma after standard guarded trabeculectomy with MMC
D.Tsoukanas GREECE - The effect of Nd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy on best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure (IOL) and central macular thickness (CMT)
L.Kazantzidis GREECE - The risk of primary open angle glaucoma and glutathione STransferase M1 and T1 polymorphism among Egyptians
A.saif EGYPT - Vernal keratoconjuctivitis in children resistant to usual topical treatment: is topical cyclosporin 0.05% an effective choice?
O.Gkorou GREECE - Wireless smartphone videography for surgical recording: an innovation