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Orbital myositis and Crohn΄s disease: rare but possible

Poster Details

First Author: E.Koulali GREECE

Co Author(s):    M. Banteka   C. Petsou   O. Gorou   F. Sakkias   G. Sakkias  

Abstract Details


To present a very rare case of recurrent Orbital Myositis in an adult Caucasian patient who suffered from Crohn’s disease (CD)


Opthalmology department Hippokrateion General Hospital Thessaloniki Greece


A patient appeared in the casualties with proptosis , diplopia, chemosis and orbital pain of his right eye which was fixed in a low abducted position unable to adduct and with restricted movement in upgaze. He had experienced 2 episodes of upper eye lid ptosis of the same eye 15 and 12 months ago. The first had resolved spontaneously and the second after oral steroid therapy. He had underwent a subtotal enterectomy a few years ago and was treated with infliximab since.


After the necessary workup, the diagnosis of myositis was made and he was given therapy with iv steroids in which he responded well . A month later, the same symptoms appeared at his left eye . Steroid therapy was given iv and the symptoms regressed. Ηe was free of symptoms for 3 months and at the 4th month he appeared having upper eye lid ptosis but normal ocular motility to his left eye. He was given oral steroids with good responce and has been followed up at a monthly basis since.


Ocular manifestations of CD occur infrequently with a prevalence rate of less than 10%; most of these cases being episcleritis and uveitis . Orbital myositis (OM) is a very rare ocular extraintestinal manifestation of CD. Clinicians should be cognizant of this rare expression of CD that can occur even in the absence of luminal disease activity and its propensity for recurrences FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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