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Identification of potential microbial ophthalmological procedure risk factors: multiple operating suite surfaces and air volume cultures

Poster Details

First Author: S.Georgiadou GREECE

Co Author(s):    A. Kanellopoulos   G. Chatzilaou           

Abstract Details


The purpose of this work is to apply an elaborative, protocol of patient and caregiver flora sampling along with multiple surfaces and air sampling of a modern ophthalmological ambulatory surgical center.

Setting: Clinical and Research Eye Institute, Athens, Greece


In all operating rooms and supporting areas, air sampling was performed with a specialized device and using 2 different materials, one that involves bacteria and one that involves fungi and microbial sampling. Microbial load from the surfaces was assessed using the contact plate test, again with two different materials, one for fungi and one for bacteria. Three distinct staged levels (1, 2, and 3) were assigned, based on the anticipated microbial load. All cultures and the subsequent analysis of results were performed by a specialized microbiology laboratory (Hellenic Pasteur Institute).


Operating room microbial load results, reported in cell forming units/cubic meter (cfu/m3): level 1: average 200 cfu/m3, level 2: average 120 cfu/m3, level 3: average 88 cfu/m3 and were all found to be bacterial. The results of the microbial load population on the surfaces of the halls, reported in culture forming/plate (cf/plate) were: level 1: average 5 cf/plate, level 2: average 2 cfu/plate, level 3: average 3 cfu/plate, all of which were bacterial related.


The Protocol provides accurate information not only for the classification and the microbial population, and of surveying on their exact position within the surgery theater rooms. This protocol offers the possibility to the surgery group employed in the interventions to supervise the effectiveness of decontamination methods and techniques to enable the surgeons to design optimal antimicrobial prophylaxis and highlights areas of interventions with the highest and lowest microbial load. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented

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