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Chorioretinal atrophy after electrical injury
Poster Details
First Author: A.Aligera LATVIA
Co Author(s): I. Strautmane I. Travkova T. Petrova
Abstract Details
To present a case report of a chorioretinal atrophy that developed after electrical injury.
A 20–year–old male suffered from superficial and deep facial and body burns after coming into contact with a high tension electrical cable that complicated with polytraumatic injuries.
Cirrus HD–OCT was used to measure the macular thickness.
At presentation patient's visual acuity was limited to perception of light. Biomicroscopy of the eye revealed thermal corneal and conjunctival burn. Fundoscopic examination showed no pathological changes of retina. Several months after general treatment dilated fundoscopic examination showed bilater optic–nerve pallor as well as dispigmentation in the macular area. Macular thickness in the right eye was 90μm and in the left eye 81μm based on OCT measurements. The final visual acuity in both eyes was 20/600.
Ocular complications from electrical burn injuries are uncommon. Number of these ocular changes occur immediately after injury, many of them develop lately. Careful follow ups of the eyes in case of electrical injuries are required. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE