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A conservative approach in a penetrating eye injury with an intraocular foreign body

Poster Details

First Author: S.Diafas GREECE

Co Author(s):    D. Kapantais   N. Laiou   A. Lioura   K. Stamoulas   G. Mpalanikas   P. Oikonomidis

Abstract Details


Prompt removal of retained intraocular foreign bodies (IOFB) after a penetrating ocular trauma is accepted to be crucial in the prevention of bacterial endophthalmitis. Furthermore capsular injury from an IOFB most times results in cataract formation. Our purpose is to present a case with a penetrating ocular trauma with an IOFB which was managed conservatively without a surgical procedure uneventfully.


1st Ophthalmologic Clinic of AHEPA University Hospital.


A 58 year old male patient suffering from a penetrating injury of his right eye with an IOFB in the anterior cortex of his crystalline lens was managed conservatively with the placement of a soft bandage contact lens and topical antibiotic, antifungal, cycloplegic and steroid eye drops.


At the follow-up after 3 days and after the contact lens removal, the corneal laceration healed completely with negative seidel and Tyndal’s phenomenon. His left eye showed no signs of cataract formation or inflammation.


The effective conservative management of the penetrating injury with an IOFB that was followed in our case (without a phaco and prophylactic intravitreal or systemic antibiotics) probably proved that the foreign body’s substance was inert and that maybe at some occasions, after a penetrating eye injury with an IOFB, a less invasive approach, under close monitoring, is possible. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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