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Ophtalmotonous pressure change after vitreoretinal interferences

Poster Details

First Author: G.Zhurgumbayeva KAZAKHSTAN

Co Author(s):    N. Aldasheva   L. Abisheva   L. Tashtitova   A. Mukazhanova   R. Botabekov  

Abstract Details


To study condition of ophtalmotous pressure at patients, who had a vitreoretinal interference with silicon tamponade (SLT).


Joint stock company 'Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases', Kazakhstan, Almaty


1362 patients who had had a vitreoretional interference (VRI) with SLT had been under observation. 883 (64,8%) of them were men, and 479 (35,2%) were women. The patients’ age ranged from 16 to 76 years. Period of the postoperative supervision comprised from 3 to 24 months. The patients after dismissal from hospital were recommended to remove SO after 3 months.


In early postsurgical period at 204 eyes there was observed increase of ophtalmotonous pressure higher than 26 mm HG. In late post-surgical period ophtalmotonous at 65% patients was compensated. 477 patients had defects in ophtalmotonous: at 450 patients there was a hypertension observed. At 27 eyes there was observed a hypotonia, connected with recidivation of RD on the background of SLT. From 1362 patients, which had VRI, in 816 cases at dynamic observance there was detected a stability of the retinal status. During the observation period from 85 patients with a long SLT, 45 had a post primary hypertension developed.


Defects of ophtalmotonous after vitreoretinal interferencesare met in 35% , 94,7% of them are hypertension and 5,3% hypotension. Adequate anti-inflammatory therapy in preoperative period allows to compensate the ophtalmotonous in 15% of cases, and prescription of hypotensive therapy in 32,2% of cases. A long remain of SO in VC leads to increase of ophtalmotonous in 52,9% of cases. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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