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One year results of combined trabeculectomy: trabeculotomy operation with combined MMC and collagen matrix implant (Ologen) in primary congenital glaucoma

Poster Details

First Author: K.Sayed EGYPT

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Abstract Details


The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adding the collagen matrix (CM) Ologen to the traditionally used combined trabeculectomy and trabeculotomy with mitomycin C (MMC) for the treatment of Primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) we refer to it as (Combined combined operation =CCO).


The Department of Ophthalmology, Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, 82524 Sohag, Egypt


Twenty four eyes with PCG either not operated before or failed previous surgery were operated upon with CCO. The CM was divided into 2 halves one to be inserted horizontally under the scleral flap and the other half inserted over the scleral flap under the fornix-based conjunctival flap. Tight closure of the conjunctiva was performed. Photographs were taken at different visits . Follow up was for at least 6 months.


All eyes with PCG operated for the 1st time manifested 100% full success. On the other hand eyes with previous failed trab. Manifested a success rate of 50% . There were minimal intraoperative and postoperative complications which were adequately managed in the form of intraoperative hyphema, vitreous loss and postoperative shallow anterior chamber and choroidal detachment.


Biodegradable CM (Ologen) in CCO can be used in PCG to markedly increase the success rate in PCG and decrease surgical risks and complications. It is also an easier and safer alternative compared with glaucoma valve implants. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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