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Corneal and lens anomalies in children with optic disc coloboma

Poster Details

First Author: A.Skriapa-Manta SWEDEN

Co Author(s):    K. Tear Fahnehjelm   M. Olsson           

Abstract Details


To report the prevalence of corneal and lens opacities in children with optic disc coloboma and to describe these opacities.


Sankt Eriks Eye Hospital, Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden


This is a population-based, cross sectional study of patients 2-18 years of age who had been diagnosed with optic disc coloboma and lived in the county of Stockholm in August 2014. Ophthalmological assessments including fundus photographs with optic disc analyses were performed.


The prevalence of optic disc coloboma in all living children >2 and <18 years of age in Stockholm county was 9,8/100.000. In total 43 patients were identified where of 32 (19 girls and 13 boys) accepted participation and were included in the current study. 50% of eyes with coloboma had a visual acuity ≤20/200 and only 20% better than 20/40. Ten right and four left eyes had opacities on the lens. Seven right and 1 left eye had corneal opacities. Six of 32 patients had even an associated microcornea at the affected eye.


Optic disc colobomas are usually not isolated and have a wide variety of presentations and associated ocular pathology. Children who had corneal and/or lens opacities had a poorer visual acuity in comparison with children that had an isolated optic disc coloboma. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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