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Laser pointer retinopathy
Poster Details
First Author: Y.Almegbel SAUDI ARABIA
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
Clinical description of laser pointer retinopathy.
Case report of two children who stared at a laser pointer lead to acute visual loss.
Retinal burns leading to acute visual loss were documented by fundus photos and angiography in three eyes of two patients.
A student competing with his friends to stare longer at a laser pointer resulted in bilatral retinal burns.Final VA was 20/100 and 20/40.His friend developed a foveal burn in his right eye resulting in a final VA of 20/40.Both fundus photos and IVFA will be illustrated.
Laser pointers can result in serious etinal and visual damage,especially long exposure to powerful ones.The recent misuse of laser pointers distract drivers and athelets can lead to visual or collision hazards.Under European standards a 5mW key chain laser is class 3B,were in the USA it is considered as class 3A. It was found that class 3B can deliver power up to 500mW. Retinal photocoagulation can occur with exposure to class 3A for more than 10 seconds.Malingers may present with visual problems after exposure to laser pointers.Here we present 3 eyes with photocoagulation from misuse of laser pointer. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE