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Detection rate of angle closure morphology in glaucoma services of a South Indian district hospital

Poster Details

First Author: P.Nelli INDIA

Co Author(s):    G. Behera   K. Sharma   A. R   S. Rene     

Abstract Details


To review the angle morphology among patients attending the glaucoma services of a South Indian district hospital to detect the prevalence of occludable or occluded angles


Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and Post-Graduate Institute (IGGGH&PGI), Puducherry,India


A retrospective analysis of the past one year (July 2014-June2015) of the glaucoma services was undertaken.Gonioscopy findings and glaucoma classification were noted and the results analyzed.Angle closure morphology was defined as1.Appositional angle closure 2.Synechial angle closure 3.Creeping angle closure 4.Anterior insertion of iris into TM Post surgical cases (cataract or glaucoma), juvenile, development, childhood and secondary glaucomas were excluded from study


189 case records of glaucoma patients were analyzed.Occludable or occluded angles were observed in 62.77% of cases while open angles accounted for 37.23% of cases. In the angle closure morphology group:1.complete angle closure= 36.04% of cases 2.anterior iris insertion into the anterior or posterior trabecular meshwork= 33.71% of cases 3.narrow angle recess on manipulation= 30.22% of cases


Our results are in agreement with previous hospital based studies. Angle closure morphology seems to be higher than open angle morphology among adult primary glaucoma patients in our study. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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