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Comparison of anterior segment measurements obtained by two different devices in keratoconic and healthy eyes

Poster Details

First Author: L.Bilandarli AZERBAIJAN

Co Author(s):    B. Babayeva   M. Mirishova           

Abstract Details


To compare the anterior segment measurements obtained using partial coherence interferometry and keratotopography in keratoconic and healthy eyes.


National Center of Ophthalmology named after academician Z. Aliyeva, (Azerbaijan, Baku)


A total of 45 patients (90 eyes), 16 males (35,6%) and 29 females (64,4%) with a mean age of 25,62±4,76 years (range, 19 to 38 years) were enrolled in this study. All measurements were performed in 38 keratoconic and 52 healthy eyes using IOL Master 500 (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany) and Allegro Oculyzer (WaveLight AG, Germany). Patients with previous ocular surgery, instillation of ocular medications, history of contact lens wear for at least 2 weeks were excluded. Keratometry (K) and anterior chamber depth (ACD) were analyzed and compared.


The mean values of K measured by IOL Master 500 and Allegro Oculyzer in keratoconic eyes group were 54,94±4,92 D and 52,87±3,71 D, in healthy eyes group – 43,74±1,41 D and 43,41+1,30 D. The mean differences of K measured by two devices in two groups were 2,10±1,42 D and 0,33±0,18 D, respectively. With regard to ACD measurements, the mean values were 3,78±0,24 mm and 3,42±0,26 mm in keratoconic eyes group, 3,48±0,24 mm and 3,11±0,20 mm in healthy eyes group. The mean differences of ACD measured using both devices were 0,36±0,08 mm and 0,38±0,12 mm, respectively.


Analysis of variance determined clinically significant differences in the anterior segment measurements between two devices. In this way, the results of this study show that IOL Master 500 and Allegro Oculyzer should not be used as interchangeable for ACD and K measurements in keratoconic and healthy eyes. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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