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- A novel scoring tool for the classification of early and mild keratoconus cases
J.Velázquez Blázquez SPAIN - A rare case of adult onset optic nerve glioma in familial Neurofibromatosis type 1
K.Kaur INDIA - A survey examining ophthalmology trainees experience and opinion of cataract surgery in a large English deanery
S.Kaur UK - A technique Modified for Ocular surface reconstruction, Modified Simple Limbal Epithelial transplant - MSLET
S.Datar INDIA - Alveolar soft part sarcoma: an uncommon presentation in adult
N.Kosaiyaganonth THAILAND - Angioid streaks complicated by choroidal neovascularization
B.Yousra MOROCCO - Anterior segment surgical procedures influence on TBUT
M.Radenkovic SERBIA - Art, the Bible and Ophthalmology: Pieter Bruegel´s “The Blind Leading the Blind”
K.Gerstmeyer GERMANY - Ayurvedic topical medication induced bilateral toxic endothelitis
A.Ghosh Dastidar INDIA - Beneficial effects of vincamine with thioctic acid and lutein on retinal and optic nerve functions in an opaque media
S.Mahmoud Saleh EGYPT - Burden of blindness in China - a systematic literature review
L.Zhaohui CHINA - Cataract surgery in times of economic crisis
F.Akritidou GREECE - Citicoline in the neuroprotective treаtment of vascular diseases of the organ of vision in atherosclerosis
D.Makhkamova UZBEKISTAN - CLEARlog: A new electronic registry and outcomes analysis software for cataract and refractive lens exchange
M.Muhtaseb UK - Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of patients with primary ocular adnexal lymphoma in Thailand
K.Kanjanarajit THAILAND - Clinical outcomes after implantation of a Continuous Transitional Focus optic presbyopic intraocular lens
A.Vega Estrada SPAIN - Clinical outcomes in patients following implantation of the Scharioth Macula Lens
B.Farago HUNGARY - Corneal asphericity differences between nasal-temporal and superior-inferior quadrants in Korean myopic children
M.Ha SOUTH KOREA - Determination of a specific marker of apoptosis in patients with retrobulbar neuritis on the background of multiple sclerosis
G.Khamraeva UZBEKISTAN - Differences in ocular measurements pre and during Mydriasis using Swept Source OCT and its effect in IOL calculation
F.Aguilera MEXICO - Docetaxel-related optic neuropathy in a patient with breast cancer
W.Li TAIWAN - Does accommodation amplitude change in patients with pseudoexfoliation?
Z.Duru TURKEY - Early detection of neurodegeneration in type 2 diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy using electroretinogram and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography
M.Abdelshafy EGYPT - Efficacy of 1% carboxymethylcellulose sodium for treating dry eye syndrome in perioperative period of cataract phacoemulsification: own results
K.Jadczyk Sorek POLAND - Evaluation of ocular complications and their related factors in patients with thalassemia major treated with Deferoxamine
M.Davari IRAN - Fitting tips and visual rehabilitation of irregular cornea with a new design of corneoscleral contact lens: objective and subjective evaluation
W.Ali Abousamra EGYPT - Glaucomatous change, refractive status in Graves' disease and other thyroid diseases
S.Sultana BANGLADESH - Hairy tales of caterpillar setae: ophthalmic masquerades
A.Ghosh Dastidar INDIA - Heterochromia iridis; a case series with literature review
H.Hasani IRAN - How social media presence can positively impact your reputation and your practice
B.Armstrong UAE - Influence of intensive nearwork on refractive, biometric and topographic changes in last year Portuguese medical students: one-year longitudinal study
S.Torres da Costa PORTUGAL - Iris mammillations about three cases
B.Tamym MOROCCO - Ischemic diseases of organ of vision in atherosclerosis. Violations of the immunological status
D.Makhkamova UZBEKISTAN - Isolated congenital anophthalmia and microphthalmia: about 3 observations
A.Kougou Ntoutoume MOROCCO - Long-term results of implantation of scleral-fixated single-piece IOL and artificial iris
N.Silva PORTUGAL - magnitude of visual impairment caused by uncorrected refractive errors among schoolchildren, Jazan Province
I.Abuallut GERMANY - Management of severe corneal scarring and ocular surface disorders with scleral lenses
D.Spourdalakis GREECE - Molecular diagnosis of retinal disorder with next-generation sequencing masquerading as optic neuropathy
H.Park SOUTH KOREA - Necrotizing scleritis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis: case report and literature review
N.Lorenzana Blanco SPAIN - Ophthalmic involvement in mycoplasma-induced rash and mucositis: a case report
S.Khochtali TUNISIA - Optic disc edema: epidemiology of a symptom in patients hospitalized within 12 months, with the presentation of case series and the analysis of diagnostic difficulties
K.Gontarz POLAND - Optical biometry in eyes with scleral buckling
A.Kuznetsov RUSSIA - Optical quality of intraocular lens material following 10 to 30 years after implantation: a post-explantation pilot investigation study
K.Mena Guevara SPAIN - Outcomes of cataract surgery in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome
A.Ong UK - Post-traumatic iris implantation cyst - conservative therapeutic
F.Pagani ARGENTINA - PRES syndrome: an important cause of loss of vision in patients with acute haemodynamic instability
A.Agrawal INDIA - Prevalence of refractive error types among children living in Sumgait city of Azerbaijan Republic and their geographical distribution in the territory of republic
A.Abdullayeva AZERBAIJAN - Reattachment of recessed superior rectus muscle using fibrin glue versus vicryl: an experimental study in rabbits
Z.Turkey EGYPT - Reconstruction of ocular surface eroding lesion with autologous gel form platelet rich plasma (PRP)
O.Abd AlRahman SPAIN - Repeatability of NIBUT measures with a new automated dry eye platform in healthy eyes
A.Molina-Martin SPAIN - Results of the amniotic membrane in a third level hospital
J.Lacorzana Rodriguez SPAIN - Retinal microvascular parameters by OCT and OCT angiography in males with acute coronary syndrome
I.Matuleviciute LITHUANIA - Scleral buckling surgery in retinoschisis patients with retinal detachment: is it still effective?
O.Donmez TURKEY - Sensitivity of disc morphology, relative afferent pupillary defect, peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, and humphrey visual field testing in detecting sellar and parasellar region tumors
N.Mekhasingharak THAILAND - Spaglumic acid 49 mg/ml (NAAGA) versus antihistamine eye drops (Azelastine hydrochloride 0,5 mg/ml) in allergic subjects with tear film dysfunction: clinical and biological evaluation
S.Troisi ITALY - Subcutaneous abdominal artificial tears pump-reservoir for severe dry eye
S.García-Delpech SPAIN - Synthetic antimalarial retinopathy: about 12 cases
R.Aymane MOROCCO - Syphilis in a complicated cataract
F.March De Ribot SPAIN - Tear film parameters pre and post light therapy
V.Kenia INDIA - That tiny detail that has changed it all: it is not just a stroke of good fortune
H.Hnich MOROCCO - The application of a venous catheter for the surgical treatment of punctal occlusion
A.Meduri ITALY - The application with three-dimensional heads-up display viewing system for 27+ gauge vitreoretinal surgery
J.Xia CHINA - The economic impact of intraoperative floppy iris syndrome in cataract surgery
A.Tzamalis GREECE - The effect of cataract surgery on ocular surface homeostasis and it’s relationship with post surgical visual function
P.Baptista PORTUGAL - The effect of topical insulin for treatment of dry eyes in Sjögren Syndrome
T.Loureiro PORTUGAL - The study of dry eye and meibomian glands in psoriasis
M.Nikandish IRAN - The use of two 90 degree arc intracorneal ring segments in management of crab claw topographic pattern
H.Elnashar EGYPT - To the question of the interrelation between accomodation disorders and the structure of the anterior chamber angle in patients with myopia
E.Solodkova RUSSIA - Urgent ophthalmic referral service: workload management, follow-up distribution & communication with stakeholders before & after the introduction of electronic records
M.Moutsou UK - William Porterfield and his landmark work 'a treatise on the eye, the manner, and phenomena of vision'
G.Balanikas GREECE - Work productivity losses due to blindness in working Chinese adults aged ≥50 years and their caregivers