Burden of blindness in China - a systematic literature review
Poster Details
First Author: L.Zhaohui CHINA
Co Author(s): Y. Zhong M. Dhariwal
Abstract Details
To collate and review published evidence in order to assess burden of blindness in China.
Systematic Literature Review of published evidence.
A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed (period: January 2006 – May 2019) to collate and synthesize published evidence on burden of blindness in China.
Prevalence of blindness in China ranged between 0.3% (adults greater than 40 years) to 1.7% (adults greater than 50 years). Cataract remained the most frequent (36.7%- 52.6%) cause for blindness in Chinese adults followed by myopic retinopathy (24.8%- 36.4%), myopic macular degeneration (7.7%-10.9%), glaucoma (6.25%-9.1%) and corneal opacity (6.2%-16.2%). In 2015, 11.7 million of the 111.7 million cataract cases in China suffered from blindness (BCVA less than 0.05). Chinese Ministry of Health reported that 45% of China's county hospitals do not offer cataract surgery services and most rural residents are unable to afford surgery in urban centers.
Chinese population is progressively ageing, resulting in an increasing burden of preventable blindness. There is a rural urban divide in access to surgery in China; lack of disease awareness and concerns about the quality of local services appear being the principal barriers in rural Chinese population.
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