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Cornea: Medical
- A new method for treatment in unsatisfied dry eye treatment patients with antioxidant activity and inhibition of excitotoxicity oral drug combined with cyclosporin eye drops
J.Kim SOUTH KOREA - A novel topical therapy for corneal blood staining using deferiprone
K.Meades AUSTRALIA - A typical Terrien's marginal degeneration: review of 2 cases
R.Yela Delgado SPAIN - Analysis of morphogeometric variables for the diagnosis of keratoconus with mild visual limitation
M.Tiveron Jr SPAIN - Application of Matrix Therapy Agent (RGTA) for the treatment of corneal disorders
F.Orucoglu TURKEY - Architectural analysis of biofilm formation by the keratitis-associated fungal pathogens on different surfaces
S.Saha INDIA - Assessment of corneal endothelial changes in pseudoexfoliation patients using specular microscopy
S.Ganatra INDIA - Bacterial keratitis risk factors, pathogens and antibiotic susceptibilities: a 5-year review of cases at Dubai Hospital, Dubai
M.Elhanan UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Bevacizumab and corneal pathology
M.Bilen Babić CROATIA - CACICOL®, the new therapeutic approach to the management of persistent epithelial defects and neurotrophic keratopathy
A.Hervas SPAIN - Central corneal thickness in an Egyptian population
A.Hassan EGYPT - Central corneal thickness of Iraqi population in relation to age, gender, refractive errors and corneal curvature: a hospital-based cross-sectional study
Q.Farhood IRAQ - Changes of ocular higher order aberration and visual quality in keratoconus eyes following rigid gas-permeable contact lens use
S.Vasavada INDIA - Comparison between ganciclovir 0.15% eye gel and acyclovir 3% eye ointment for the treatment of acute herpetic corneal ulcers
A.Gad EGYPT - Comparison of tear osmolarity in rheumatoid arthritis patients with and without secondary Sjögren’s syndrome
A.Ng HONG KONG - Comparison of therapeutic effects of three human-derived materials in a mouse corneal alkali burn model
K.Han SOUTH KOREA - Corneal densitometry for monitoring amiodarone therapy
M.Alnawaiseh GERMANY - Corneal histopathological changes due to topical mitomycin C application in different doses and periods in albino rabbits
A.Ozcan TURKEY - Cornean histoenzymatic aspects: experimental study
S.Craitoiu ROMANIA - Cyclosporine A in the treatment of patients with severe dry eye
E.Mrukwa-Kominek POLAND - Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion 0.05% in subjects who experience discomfort while engaging in electronic visual tasking: effect on ocular surface staining and visual function
K.Stonecipher USA - Effects of intravitreal ranibizumab and aflibercept injections on the corneal endothelium in the treatment of exudative age-related macular degeneration
T.Celik TURKEY - Epidemiological profile of patients enrolled in the corneal transplantation waiting queue in the interior of Goiás, Brazil
C.Jardim BRAZIL - Epidemiology and clinical findings of keratoconus in a tertiary referral hospital in Spain
S.Di Lauro SPAIN - Evaluation of the quality of life of patients equipped with scleral lenses using a Moroccan version of NEI-VFQ 25
I.Hajji MOROCCO - Ex-vivo culture of mammalian corneal epithelial cells on artificial polymer membrane vs human amniotic membrane
U.Sridhar INDIA - Herpes simplex virus endothelial keratitis treatment: our protocol
O.Evren Kemer TURKEY - Herpetic recurrent corneal erosion syndrome: opportunities of treatment by platelet-rich plasma
D.Maychuk RUSSIA - Immunomodulatory therapy for keratitis complicated by corneal epithelial insufficiency
N.Volkova RUSSIA - Intense pulse light in dry eye challenging cases: long-term results
M.Cosentino ARGENTINA - Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome: case report of Chandler's variant
D.Chianello BRAZIL - Keratoconus progression detected at short-term follow-up and associated risk factors
M.Henriquez PERU - Keratoplasty in keratoconus: impact of atopy
I.Hajji MOROCCO - Meibomian gland dysfunction in patients with chemotherapy-induced lacrimal drainage obstruction
J.Song SOUTH KOREA - Mini scleral rigid gas permeable contact lens fitting for visual rehabilitation in keratoconus
A.Barata PORTUGAL - Miracles of amniotic membrane graft in a case of severe alkali burn of the eye
R.Malik INDIA - Modern sclerals: indication, use and evolution. Prospective study based on the Brazilian population – a possible alternative to corneal transplantation
P.Yoneda BRAZIL - Neurotrophic corneal ulcer in pediatric patient with rhabdomyosarcoma of the masticator space: management and treatment
C.Cólliga SPAIN - Ocular cystinosis that presented with photophobia
S.Zirtiloglu TURKEY - Ocular rosacea in childhood: diagnosis and evolution
H.Santiago Balsera SPAIN - Persistent epithelial defect in graft versus host disease resistant to conventional therapy
N.Yesilirmak TURKEY - Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy patients as refractive surgery candidates
T.Bozkurt TURKEY - Preliminary results on rehabilitation of vision using scleral-supported contact lenses after advanced keratoconus and keratoconus surgery
A.Silva PORTUGAL - Prevalence of symptomatic dry eye disease in an urban Chinese community: a cross-sectional population-based study
V.Li HONG KONG - Primary chemotherapy as the emerging management paradigm for diffuse ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN)
C.Malhotra INDIA - Problems of treatment of corneal ulcers in the background of autoimmune processes
B.Issergepova KAZAKHSTAN - Progression of the topographic indices in patients with keratoconus and pellucid marginal degeneration
A.Atanassov BULGARIA - Prosthetic replacement of the ocular surface ecosystem (PROSE) for the treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency
K.Kim SOUTH KOREA - Regression of persistent corneal neovascularisation after topical anti-VEGF treatment
M.Banteka GREECE - Results of stepwise combination therapy in vernal keratoconjunctivitis
Z.Ayhan TURKEY - Scleral lens adaptation in individuals enrolled in the corneal transplant waiting queue in a hospital in the interior of Brazil
B.Clemente BRAZIL - Straylight in fish eye disease
I.van der Meulen THE NETHERLANDS - Symptoms and signs of dry eye in patients with keratoconus
L.Martínez Pérez SPAIN - Tear fluid analysis in the neurodegenerative diseases
E.Polito ITALY - The Hyper-CL™ multi-center study
O.Daphna ISRAEL - The use of corneal scrubbing associated to matrix therapy in the treatment of chronic ulcers
l.sihem ALGERIA - Topical eugenol successfully treats Candida albicans-induced keratitis
A.Abdelghany EGYPT - Topical matrix regenerative therapy for corneal advanced neurotrophic ulcers
Z.Ayhan TURKEY - Total regression of extensive conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia treated with topical mitomycin C 0.04%
H.Alfaleh SAUDI ARABIA - Toxicity of custard apple seeds on the cornea: three effects of a traditional home remedy
M.Arunkumar INDIA - Where did it come from?