The use of corneal scrubbing associated to matrix therapy in the treatment of chronic ulcers
Poster Details
First Author: l.sihem ALGERIA
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
Chronic corneal ulcers are a severe complications of several ocular surface diseases such as dry eye, rosacea or neurotrophy, and can lead to severe complications and loss of vision.
clinique of ophtalmology Lazreg
Retrospective study on chronic corneal ulcers evolving for several week without responding to conventional treatments ;
All the corneal ulcers were scrubbed with cotton buds, some of them received matrix therapy at the dose regiment of a drop every other day until corneal healing and preservative free lubricants 3 times a day, for the painful cases we performed bandage contact lenses, a few part of patients received the bandage contact lenses without matrix therapy ; ocular examination was performed at D0, D3, D7, D15 and D30, with slit lamp examination, fluorecein coloration and measurement of the size of the ulcers,
15 patients were included and divided on 3 groups,
the first group : corneal scrubbing, matrix therapy, lubricant and contact lenses
the second group : corneal scrubbing, matrix therapy, lubricant without contact lenses
the third group : corneal scrubbing ; lubricant and contact lenses
all the ulcers were healed at D30, in the first and second group corneal healing was faster 7 to 10 days, no complications were reported despite one case of descemetocel at D3, with a good outcome at D15
Corneal scrubbing may accelerate the corneal healing , and helps matrix therapy to be more efficient
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