Analysis of morphogeometric variables for the diagnosis of keratoconus with mild visual limitation
Poster Details
First Author: M.Tiveron Jr SPAIN
Co Author(s): L. Bataille F. Cavas-Martinez D. Fernandez-Pacheco J. Alio
Abstract Details
To determine the corneal morfological characterization and novel correlations in KC eyes with mild impaired visual function using a morphogeometric modeling.
Vissum Corporation, Alicante, Spain. Technical University of Cartagena, Spain.
A retrospective case series study has been carried out including 164 subjects divided into two groups: 61 patients (40.9 years �Â�± 12.8) classified as mild KC based on the degree of visual limitation and 103 normal patients (35.02 years �Â�± 8.2). Patient-specific 3D modeling to be generated from raw data of tomographer Sirius and posterior analysis of virtual model. Correlation coefficients were calculated to assess relationships among all parameters, and a linear regression was performed to quantify the strength of the correlation (R�Â�²). Finally, a AUROC analysis was applied for all metrics to determine the overall predictive accuracy.
The differences between groups were statistically significant for all of the variables analyzed (p<0.05). The posterior apex deviation provided a higher rate of discrimination between both groups (area: 0.911, sensitivity: 90.1%, specificity: 83.5%). In addition, the most prominent correlation was found between deviations of the anterior and posterior minimum thickness points for the mild keratoconic cases.
The morphogeometric variables analyzed during the study showed significant differences between groups. The most predictive accuracy using this geometrical reconstruction method for KC eyes with mild visual limitation was provided by the posterior apex deviation variable, and a strong correlation value for mild keratoconic corneas was also found between the deviations of the minimum thickness points from both surfaces.
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