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Images of multifocal intraocular lenses using a model eye with a mirror-less CCD camera
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Session Details
Session Title: Presented Poster Session 24: IOL Technology 2
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 15:00-17:00
Paper Time: 15:45
Venue: Pod 3 (Poster Village)
First Author: : K.Ohnuma JAPAN
Co Author(s): : T. Noda
Abstract Details
Images of multifocal intraocular lenses (MIOLs) are displayed on the manufacturers’ websites. The images show no change in color or double images, which seems implausible. In order to choose lenses, ophthalmologists and patients should view the optical images on retinas. We show the optical images of MIOLs using a model eye with a color CCD camera.
Ophthalmology Tokyo Medical Center &Center for Frontier Medical Engineering, Chiba University
Commercially available mirror-less color CCD cameras can be used to obtain images. The model eye consists of a corneal lens with a spherical aberration of 0.27 micron, an IOL in a water cell, and an aperture placed in front of the IOL. The model eye camera is used to obtain images of the surrounding environment and landscape images of the city of night. Because one purpose of MIOL implantation is to achieve the ability to read without glasses, we obtained images of a white card on which characters and color images were drawn and a picture of the destination board lit by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) from a train station at night to represent near and far vision, respectively. The aperture size was 3 millimeters in diameter. The images were taken at the position of best focus in near vision. We tested the Hoya PY-60MV®, Lentis® Mplus, and Tecnis® MIOLs.
The Tecnis MIOL provided the sharpest characters on the card. The images of the Lentis Mplus and PY-60MV MIOLs provided similar images and were less sharp; however, the color of the Lentis Mplus image was nearly the same as the object. The color of the images obtained with the Tecnis and PY-60MV MIOLs changed to white as a result of scattering by diffraction or refraction. The Tecnis MIOL provided the sharpest characters on the destination board of the train station. The images of the Lentis Mplus and PY-60MV MIOLs were similar and less sharp. Misaligned blurred letters overlapped on the images of the sharp letters with the Lentis Mplus MIOL.
The level of sharpness, the degree of the color change, and misalignment were seen clearly in the images of this model eye camera. These are the optical components that are to be processed in the brain into the images viewed, which are considered better than the optical images after 3 months or more postoperatively.
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