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Evaluation of a segment multifocal intraocular lens with +8.0D near addition for visual rehabilitation in patients with maculopathy
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Session Details
Session Title: Presented Poster Session 22: IOL Technology 1
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 15:00-17:00
Paper Time: 16:45
Venue: Pod 1 (Poster Village)
First Author: : M.Attia GERMANY
Co Author(s): : F. Kretz G. Auffarth
Abstract Details
Evaluation of visual performance and spectacle independence in patients that underwent cataract surgery with implantation of a segment multifocal intraocular lens (sMIOL) with a +8 D near addition suffering from chronic maculopathy.
Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany
Surgery was performed in patients with a manifest cataract and an expected visual acuity between 0.05 and 0.4 [decimal]. For implantation a hydrophilic, one piece sMIOL with a near addition of +8 D was chosen to create a magnification effect of around 1.5x to 2.0x in ultra near distance (aprox. 12cm) Postsurgical evaluation contained, uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity (UDVA, CDVA) and uncorrected and corrected near visual acuity (UNVA, CNVA) using ETDRS charts and Salzburg Reading Desk (SRD) examinations. Near visual acuity was also tested in the subjective, best possible reading d istance. To rule out possible complications with other magnification tools, those were evaluated, too.
UDVA increased from 1/25 MV to 0.10 with a CDVA of 0.16. UNVA was best possible in 13cm distance with 0.16. In the SRD examinations a UNVA of 0.14 in around 10cm could be found with an actual word count of 43 words/minute. No interference with other magnification tools were found.
First data of this new sMIOL model shows promising results in the treatment of cataract patients with chronic maculopathy. The subjective patient satisfaction is very high as the lens provides a good magnification effect to read print in daily routine without the use of other, sometimes non portable magnification tools. Still further research with more patients is needed.
Financial Interest:
One or more of the authors... research is funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors... travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented