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Objective evaluation of halos after multifocal intraocular lens implantation
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Session Details
Session Title: Presented Poster Session 22: IOL Technology 1
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 15:00-17:00
Paper Time: 15:00
Venue: Pod 1 (Poster Village)
First Author: : N.Garzón SPAIN
Co Author(s): : V. Elipe
Abstract Details
Evaluate through an objective method the night halos produced in pseudophakic eyes with multifocal intraocular lenses implanted
Private clinic, Instituto Oftalmología Avanzada. Madrid, Spain
This clinical trial involved 60 eyes of 60 patients after cataract surgery. 6 groups were created and 10 patients were included in every group: Group 1-bifocal diffractive (Tecnis), Group 2-apodized diffractive (Restor), Group 3-complete refractive (Rezoom), Group 4-sectorial refractive (Mplus), Group-5-diffractive trifocal (AT Lisa Tri) and Group 6-apodized diffractive trifocal (FineVision) . Halo was measured with Software Halo v1.0 (Universidad de Granada, España) one month after the surgery, monocular, in the eye with better VA, in escotopics conditions, as far as 3 meters. We used the discrimination index that provides information on the halo observed by the patient; this index is obtained by subtracting, from a value of 1, the ratio of the area of undetected peripheral stimuli and the areas of stimuli presented. The higher the discrimination index is, the lower the halo´s influence is.
Value obtained for group 1 was 0.7189 ± 0.257, for the group 2 0.8271 ± 0.082, group 3 0.6142 ± 0.056, group 4 0.8442 ± 0.063, Group 5 0.801 ± 0.04 and group 6 0.8021 ± 0.053. The halo shape was very similar to the multifocal lens design, either with rings or sectors that provided the near addition.
The anular refractive lenses induced more halo than the diffractive lenses. The smaller halo was created by the sectorial refractive intraocular lenses. About the diffractive lenses, the no apodized lenses caused bigger halos. In addition, in all the cases, the halos were bigger with larger pupils. The lens design affects the halo pattern observed by patients
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