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Clinical results of implantation of toric intraocular lens: a comparison with non-toric intraocular lens
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Session Details
Session Title: Presented Poster Session 15: Cataract Surgery Outcomes 3
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 09:30-11:00
Paper Time: 10:15
Venue: Pod 3 (Poster Village)
First Author: : M.Hirasawa JAPAN
Co Author(s): : H. Bissen-Miyajima S. Ooki Y. Inoue T. Nishimura H. Takehara K. Nishikawa
Abstract Details
To evaluate the clinical benefit of toric intraocular lens (IOL) in eyes with corneal astigmatism, we retrospectively reviewed the clinical results of the implantation of toric IOL and compared with those with non-toric IOLs.
Multi-centered retrospective cohort study: 1.Tokyo Dental College Suidobashi Hospital
2. Inoue Eye Clinic
3. Mikawa Eye Clinic
This study included eyes with corneal astigmatism from 0.75 D to 3.00 D that were implanted with toric IOL (SN6AT3, AT4, AT5, Alcon) and non-toric IOL (SN60WF, Alcon) before the approval of toric IOL (control group). Both toric and control groups had a minimum follow up of 1 year after the implantation. The control group was divided into 3 groups equivalent to AT3, AT4, and AT5, depending on their postoperative corneal astigmatisms. Subjective cylindrical power and uncorrected visual acuity (VA) were compared.
Toric group included 142 eyes (mean age: 74.5+6.8 years) and control group included 117 eyes (mean age: 76.1+6.1 years). Subjective cylindrical power (D) of toric/control group was -0.58+0.41/ -1.04+0.66 (AT3), -0.59+0.41 /-1.82+0.72 (AT4), and -0.66+0.45/-2..53+0.91 (AT5). Uncorrected LogMAR VA was 0.00+0.11/0.11+0.16(AT3), -0.01+0.13/0.24+0.25(AT4) , and 0.01+0.12/0.30+0.19(AT5). Both cylindrical power and VA showed preferable results in the toric group and the difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant.
Toric IOL reduces the subjective cylindrical power and improves uncorrected vision in eyes with corneal astigmatisms.
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