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Visual outcome after unilateral paediatric cataract surgery, intraocular lenses versus glasses or contact lens
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Session Details
Session Title: Presented Poster Session 13: Pseudophakic IOLs 2
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 09:30-11:00
Paper Time: 10:45
Venue: Pod 1 (Poster Village)
First Author: : R.Borghol Kassar SPAIN
Co Author(s): : J. Menezo Rozalén M. Harto Cataño
Abstract Details
To evaluate whether the implantation of intraocular lenses (IOL) improved visual acuity compared to aphakic eyes corrected with glasses or contact lenses (CL).
Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia-Spain
A retrospective study of 121 eyes operated for unilateral paediatric cataract between 1982 and 2004 with a mean age at the time of cataract surgery of 37.2 + / - 40.6 months (1-168 months) and a mean follow-up between cataract surgery and assessments of 149.7 + / - 69.9 months (30-319 months). They were divided into 3 groups: Group 1 (pseudophakic eyes, n = 83), Group 2 (aphakic eyes corrected with glasses, n = 23), Group 3 (aphakic eyes corrected with CL, n = 15). Visual acuity (VA) values are compared with each other.
A variable of VA does not follow a normal distribution, (Kolmogrov-Smirnov test, P-value = 0.000), so we will use the Mann-Whitney test.
Regarding the comparison between IOL and CL groups (mean VA 0.26 and 0.07 respectively) we obtain a P-Value of 0.007, therefore, there are statistically significant differences between both groups (IOL and CL). For the comparison between IOL and glasses groups (mean VA 0.26 and 0.04 respectively) we obtain a P-Value of 0.000, therefore, there are statistically significant differences between both groups (IOL and glasses) with better VA in the group of the IOL in the previous two comparisons. Finally regarding the comparison between the CL and glasses groups (mean VA 0.07 and 0.04 respectively) we obtain a P-Value of 0.524, therefore, there are no statistically significant differences between both groups (CL and glasses).
Our study showed better visual acuity when intraocular lenses are used for the correction of aphakia in comparison with glasses or contact lenses.
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