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Etiology of corneal ulcer: rural setting in India
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Session Details
Session Title: Cornea Medical
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 14:00-16:00
Paper Time: 14:42
Venue: Capital Hall A
First Author: : M.Menta Ravindra INDIA
Co Author(s): : K. Kumar T. Gude
Abstract Details
To identify the etiology of corneal ulcers and its profile of clinical presentation among patients attending Ophthalmology out-patient department at Mamata General Hospital in Khammam, India.
Patients attending Ophthalmology out-patient department at Mamata General Hospital in Khammam, India.
A detailed recording of case history, examination, treatment and follow-up was done. During the two year period from September 2011 to September 2013, about 21,922 new patients attended the Ophthalmic out patient department.
In the present study, corneal ulceration was seen in age group between 21-60 accounting for 73%, higher in males (61%) than in females (39%). Corneal ulcers are more common in rural population (68%).
Trauma was the most common predisposing factor (59%) with injury involving vegetative matter causing 38% of all the traumatic causes. Individuals from low socio-economic background had a higher incidence of 73%.
Fungal isolates were detected in 56% cases, Bacterial isolates in 28% cases, viral isolates in 9% cases, and in 7% cases no organism is isolated. Similar figures were also noted by other authors from India. Aspergillus (33.9%) and Fusarium (17.8%) species were found to be the most common fungal pathogens. 58% of bacterial isolates were gram positive cocci with Staphylococcus aureus being the most predominant. Pseudomonas was the most common gram negative bacteria.
Nine cases of typical dendritic ulcer due to Herpes simplex were seen.
To summarise, the incidence of corneal ulcer is more common in males between 21 & 60 years age group of low socio economic status.
Incidence is very high in rural areas among farmers and daily labourers who are exposed to more injuries. Most common cause of injury is trauma with vegetative matter and corneal foreign body. Most common organisms isolated were fungal isolates and the most common fungal pathogen being Aspergillus. Health education, early diagnosis & immediate treatment will be helpful in controlling the progression of corneal ulcer and prevention from corneal blindness.
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