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Comparison of two IOLs with the same optics, two designs, two materials
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Session Details
Session Title: Cataract Surgery Outcomes
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 08:06
Venue: Capital Hall A
First Author: : F.Poyales SPAIN
Co Author(s): : N. Garzón B. Ortíz de Zárate
Abstract Details
Compare the rotational stability of two IOLs with the same optics, different designs and materials
Private practice Oftalmología avanzada, Madrid, Spain
In this prospective randomised controlled trial, we compared the IOL rotation of an acrylic hydrophilic 26% trifocal IOL (PODFineVision, Physiol, Belgium) and the hydrophilic 25% trifocal IOL (FineVision/MicroF, Physiol, Belgium) with the exact same design for the optical zone. Twenty patients were randomized for the eye, one eye receiving the Micro F, the fellow eye implanted with the POD FineVision. The stability (rotation, centration and anteroposterior position) and performance – with respect to refraction - of a new IOL design (POD F) is compared to the previous design (Micro F). Visual acuity, straylight and aberrations were also tested.
Better centration was observed with the POD FineVision (p<0.05). Both IOL nevertheless showed excellent centration and rotational stability (<5° in all cases). Surprisingly, the visual acuity PODFineVision was better at 40 cm than the Micro F (p<0.05). The visual acuities were equivalent at 30 cm and 80 cm. Both IOLs showed corrected distance visual acuities of 0.00±0.00 LogMAR. Both aberrometry and OQAS for the two IOLs were in the normal range
Both IOLs provided excellent visual outcomes. The better centration of the POD IOL seems to even improve the excellent outcomes of the MicroF
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