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Endothelial cell loss after pars plana vitrectomy

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Session Details

Session Title: Special Cases

Session Date/Time: Sunday 14/09/2014 | 14:30-16:00

Paper Time: 15:42

Venue: Boulevard B

First Author: : D.Sanchez Chicharro SLOVAKIA

Co Author(s): :    E. Safrova              

Abstract Details


To assess the changes in the endothelial cell density count (ECDC) after pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and to identify the factors implicated in these changes. At the moment there is a lack of information about the effect of PPV on the ECDC.


The study was performed at Martin University Hospital, Martin, Slovakia. A patient consent was obtained for inclusion in the study.


This was a prospective, interventional, consecutive and non-randomized study. The surgeries were performed by one surgeon. Patients requiring PPV for first time were included in the study regardless they were phakic or pseudophakic patients (PCIOL). The exclusion criteria were previous PPV or retinal surgery, eye trauma or perforation, any type of corneal pathology / dystrophy or glaucomatous patients. The ECDC was obtained at baseline before surgery and at 1 month, 3months and 6 months post-op among other details recorded like filiation’s data, diagnosis and intra-operative details. The primary outcome was the ECDC change at the different intervals and the secondary outcome were to identify the factors involved in these changes and the changes in best corrected visual acuity (BCVA)


A total of 20 eyes from 20 patients were included in the study. All the patients finished the 6 months follow up. There were 4 males and 16 females and the mean age at baseline was 65 years old. The mean ECDC at baseline was 2340 cells/mm2. The mean ECDC loss was 4.62%, 2.88% and 4.44% at 1month, 3months and 6 months follow up respectively. Patients under 60 years old lost more ECDC (3.07%, 7.00% and 8.54%) than those over 60years of age (4.72%, 4.10% and 2.91%). Eyes filled with gas tamponade lost more ECDC (4.95%, 8.52% and 5.41%) than eyes with oil tamponade (0.42%, +2.99% and 4.37%). There were 25% pseudophakic and 75% phakic patients. However, there was no significant difference between phakic and pseudophakic eyes. Furthermore there were no significant differences among different diagnosis (ERM, FTMH, RD, TDR, VH and VMT). No post-op complications were observed, all corneas remained clear throughout the study and all patients improved visual acuity at the end of follow up.


Our study was a prospective and consecutive study and therefore there are many asymmetries among the two groups (lens status, age, gender, diagnosis). However in our study it was observed a higher loss of ECDC among patients under 60years old and among those eyes filled with gas tamponade. On the contrary lens status and diagnosis seemed not to play an important role in ECDC changes. At the moment we can not explain these changes and therefore further studies are required to confirm these findings.

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