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The clinical study of long-term outcome of femtosecond laser small incision lenticule extraction for moderate and high myopia
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Session Details
Session Title: SMILE for Myopia II
Session Date/Time: Wednesday 17/09/2014 | 08:00-09:30
Paper Time: 08:06
Venue: Capital Hall B
First Author: : X.Zhou CHINA
Co Author(s): : L. He H. Miao Y. Zhao X. Zhang M. Tian X. Wang
Abstract Details
To investigate the clinical efficacy, safety, predictability and stability of
femtosecond laser small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) for moderate and high myopia.
Eye Department, EENT Hospital, Fudan University,
In the prospective observational study 94 patients (170 eyes) with myopia received SMILE surgeries.The patients’ average age was 26.8±4.7 (range 18 to 44) years. The mean preoperative spherical equivalent (SE) was -6.20±1.37 diopters (D), from -3.25 to -9.13 D. The mean myopic astigmatism was -0.78±0.60 D, up to -3.25 D.The mean corneal thickness was 554.7±27.5 (range 484 to 600)μm. Routine ophthalmologic examinations were done. The patients were followed up with uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA),best corrected visual acuity(BCVA), manifest refraction, intraocular pressure, corneal topography, and slitlamp examination from 6 months to 2 years. The results were analyzed with the paired t test、 analysis of variance and linear correlation analysis
All procedures were completed successfully. At long-term follow-up 89% of eyes had a UCVA of 1.0 or better, and 100% of eyes had a UCVA of 0.8 or better. BCVA was equal to or better than the preoperative BCVA in 100% of eyes. 41% gained one line, 6% gained two lines of BCVA. The residual spherical equivalent was (-0.10±0.51)D and 89% and 100% were within ±0.50 and ±1.00 D of attempted correction。Higher order aberrations(HOA)、spherical aberrations and coma significantly(P<0.05)increased (0.13±0.04)μm、(0.03±0.08)μm、(0.11±0.13)μm after surgery
SMILE procedure was safety, efficacy, predictability and stability in treating moderate and high myopia.The change of spherical aberrations was small.
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