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Determination and comparison of degrees of severity of dry eye syndrome after Femto-LASIK and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK): 12 months after the surgery
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Session Details
Session Title: LASIK Outcomes II
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 14:00-16:00
Paper Time: 15:32
Venue: Capital Hall B
First Author: : M.Mirishova AZERBAIJAN
Co Author(s): : A. Sultanova
Abstract Details
Determine the severity of the dry eye syndrome after eximer laser refractive surgery, 12 months after the surgery. And to compare these data after PRK and Femto-LASIK.
National Ophthalmology Center named after acad. Z.Aliyeva, Azerbaijan.
PRK surgery were performed on 102 eyes (53 patients) with ablation Topography Treatment Method on eximer laser MEL 80 (Zeiss, Germany). Femto-LASIK surgery was performed on 106 eyes (55 patients) with ablation Topography Treatment Method on the eximer laser MEL 80 (Zeiss, Germany), corneal flap was formed on the femtosecond laser VisuMax (Zeiss, Germany). All preoperative calculations were conducted on the unit CRS-Master (Zeiss, Germany). In all cases the operation zone of ablation was 6.2 mm. Age of the patients included in the study was from 18 to 48 years. Spherical equivalent of refraction in all patients ranged from-1.5 D to -12.0 D. All patients before the surgery performed Schirmer test without anesthesia, measured tear film breakup time (TBUT) and noted the subjective feelings of patients.
All patients underwent a complete postoperative follow-up at 12 months. From patients who have undergone PRK, which we have observed, 25 patients (48 eyes, 47%) presented complaints typical for dry eye syndrome. From the observed patients who have undergone Femto-LASIK, 20 patients (39 eyes, 36,8%) presented the relevant complaints. Visual acuity in all patients was equal to 0.7-1.0. In all these patients on the biomicroscopy were observed decrease or absence of the lacrimal meniscus, 'sluggish' hyperemia of the conjunctiva, presence of viscous mucous and epithelial filaments in the inferior fornix of the conjunctiva and first degree fibroplasia. In conducting the Schirmer test (the exposure time 3 minutes) in all patients obtained a result of 1 sm. To both groups of patients were assigned to instillation artificial tears on 1 drop 2-4 times per day. In 62 patients (71.2%) after 5-7 days showed a decrease intensity of subjective symptoms. The course of instillation of artificial tears lasted 30 days. In 75 patients (86.2%) in the end of the course of treatment there was a complete disappearance of complaints and normalization of objective picture on biomicroscopy. In 12 patients (13.8%) been preserved the complaints by some minor discomfort in the eyes.
Dry eye syndrome after refractive corneal surgery is a reality. This is associated with a violation of the mechanisms of formation of the tear film. These studies have shown that symptoms of the dry eye syndrome arise in the early postoperative period, practically, in all patients who have undergone PRK and Femto-LASIK. And occurs more often in patients after PRK than in patients after Femto-LASIK. The presence of these symptoms had a significant impact on patient satisfaction in the early postoperative period.
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