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The influence of prolonged interoperative period on binocular vision after bilateral cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation
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Session Details
Session Title: Cataract Surgery Outcomes
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 10:14
Venue: Capital Hall A
First Author: : P.Loba POLAND
Co Author(s): : K. Rajska J. Olczak M. Wilczynski W. Omulecki A. Broniarczyk-Loba
Abstract Details
To evaluate the influence of the extent of the interoperative period on binocular vision function in patients after bilateral cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation.
Department of Ophthalmology and Department of Binocular Vision Pathophysiology and Strabismus, University Hospital Nr. 1, Medical University of Lodz, Poland
The study included patients operated twice due to bilateral cataract with a variable interoperative period. All patients were examined six weeks after the second surgery. Presence of asthenopic symptoms, distance and near squint angle, fusional amplitudes, stereopsis and convergence were evaluated. Pre-,inter-, and post-operative differences in BCVA between both eyes were also noted. The multivariate analysis was conducted in order to establish the relation of interoperative period and binocular status, independently of the interfering factors.
104 patients were included in the study (74 females, 30 males, mean age 69.9 years, range: 32 -88). The mean interoperative period for the whole group was 20.3± 12.9 months, range:1.5 to 47.7. Prolongation of the interoperative interval had moderately strong but significant negative impact on stereopsis measured by Frisby (R2= 0.215, p=0.001) and Randot (R2= 0.179, p=0.001) stereotests. Similar, significant but much weaker, correlation was found for near point of convergence (R2=0.089, p=0.002). Extended interoperative period was also related, but not independently, to the reduction of fusional amplitudes., especially for distance (R2= 0.121, p=0.001 for divergence and R2= 0.189, p=0.001 for convergence). Asthenopic symptoms were reported by 17(16.3%) patients. The incidence of exophoria was significantly (p=0.002) higher in patients with interoperative interval longer than 24 months.
The level of stereopsis and near point of convergence are significantly and independently influenced by the longer interoperative period in patients after bilateral cataract extraction. The prolongation of this time was also connected with increased number of patients complaining of asthenopic symptoms and exophoria. Reduction of fusional amplitudes is significant but it is also influenced by preoperative and interoperative BCVA difference between both eyes.
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