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Reproducibility of flap thickness in sub-Bowman’s keratomileusis using mechanical microkeratome
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Session Details
Session Title: LASIK Outcomes I
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 14:00-16:00
Paper Time: 14:58
Venue: Boulevard B
First Author: : T.Althomali SAUDI ARABIA
Co Author(s): :
Abstract Details
To examine the predictability of flap thickness using a mechanical microkeratome and to identify factors related to variations in flap thickness in Sub-Bowman’s keratomileusis (SBK).
Tadawi Surgical Center, Taif, Saudi Arabia
The study included 70 eyes of 36 patients with a stable refraction for 1 year; a CDVA of at least 20/20 in each eye; and a minimum central corneal thickness of 480 μm in each eye and who underwent SBK. Study parameters included manifest refraction, uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected visual acuity (CDVA), pachymetry and higher order aberrations (HOA). All patients were seen at 1 and 3 days; 1 week; and 1, 3, and 6 months.
The mean flap thickness was 88.74 ± 15.40 µm and the mean change in HOA was 0.11 ± 0.30 µm2. There was no correlation of flap thickness with age (r= -0.10), preoperative manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE) (r = -0.08), preoperative cylinder (r= 0.13), postoperative CDVA (r= -0.17) or postoperative change in HOA (r= -0.07). A strong positive correlation with preoperative pachymetry (r= 0.41) and a weak negative correlation with preoperative sphere (r= 0.21) was observed. Pachymetry demonstrated either no or moderate negative correlation with age (r= -0.14), preoperative sphere (r= -0.36), cylinder (r= -0.04) or MRSE (r= -0.36).
Moria’s One Use-Plus SBK microkeratome is safe and effective for creation of SBK flaps. Flap thickness was found to correlate positively with the preoperative pachymetry; however, the variation in flap thickness did not affect the visual outcomes.
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