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Comparison between two different multifocal lenses: Hanita Seelens MF vs Alcon ReSTOR D1
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Session Details
Session Title: Pseudophakic IOLs/ Multifocals II
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 08:18
Venue: Boulevard A
First Author: : F.Mayorga Argañaraz ARGENTINA
Co Author(s): : M. Garibotto J. Venero W. Degregori
Abstract Details
To compare outcomes between an apodized diffractive hydrophilic multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) (Hanita Seelens MF) and an apodized diffractive hydrophobic multifocal IOL (Alcon Restor D1) in terms of visual acuity for far and near distance, residual spherical equivalent, and patient satisfaction in patient undergoing cataract surgery
Ophthalmology department of Deutsches Hospital Buenos Aires Argentina
Multifocal IOLs are an excellent option to treat presbyopia in patients undergoing cataract surgery, but because of the excellent results they are also being used to correct presbyopia in patients who still would not need to undergo cataract surgery. Various designs and materials are used to manufacture multifocal IOLs with the aim of reducing patient discomforts after surgery and improving uncorrected distance and near visual acuity. We intend to compare the newly available HANITA SEELENS MF (study group) with the Alcon Restor D1 (control group). Being the latter our usual IOL to treat presbyopia by lens extraction This is a prospective case series analysis. 44 eyes of 22 patients were included. 21 eyes in the Seelens and 23 eyes corresponded to the Restor group. In all the cases crystalline extraction through a 2.8 mm clear cornea incision was performed under topical anesthesia with the wound placed in the steepest axis. Lens was inserted in the capsular bag during the first procedure in all the cases. Postsurgical refraction and visual acuity was established after one month of the second eye. Time between procedures for the same patient was at least one week. Regular follow-ups were done for 6 months in both groups
Age was 69 ± 7 for the Seelens and 71 ± 5 years for the Restor group. Preoperative spherical equivalent was 1± 2,8 Diopters in the Seelens and 0,65 ± 2 D for the Restor group.
There were two surgical complications. One eye in the Seelens group suffered partial zonular dehiscence while undergoing surgery and because it was the second eye a capsular tension ring was placed and the Seelens MF lens was placed in the bag. Patient presented no further events. Another eye in the Seelens group was implanted with a 21 Diopter Seelens MF IOL, although a crack in the optic / haptic junction was noticed after IOL insertion, lens was centered during procedure. Lens remained centered during follow up and no further action was needed.
Postoperative spherical equivalent was 0,11 ± 0,52 D in the Seelens group and 0,14 ± 0,37 D in the control group. Binocular Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity was 0,87 ± 0,13 in both groups. Uncorrected Near Visual Acuity was better than J2 in 79% in the Seelens and 100% in the Restor group. With the VF-14 questionnaire patients referred slightly better satisfaction for intermediate activities with the Seelens MF IOL
Both IOLs satisfied patients needs and in the functional questionnaire performed similarly. There were minor differences in the objective parameters studied being most of them below statistical significance. In our country Seelens MF IOL retail price is slightly cheaper than the Restor D1.
Therefore both lenses seem to be comparable and our study was unable to detect differences between them. If present a bigger number of cases may be needed to recognize them. Hanita Seelens MF IOL is at least as effective as Alcon Restor D1 lens for the correction of presbyopia when undergoing cataract surgery
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