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Trans-epithelial photorefractive keratectomy with adjunctive Mitomycin C after laser in situ keratomileusis: retreatment on the flap
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Session Details
Session Title: Surface Ablations for Correction of Ammetropias
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 10:00
Venue: Auditorium
First Author: : M.Bragheeth KUWAIT
Co Author(s): :
Abstract Details
To evaluate the results of Trans-epithelial photorefractive keratectomy (Trans-PRK) enhancement for under correction or regression after primary laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) procedures for myopia and myopic astigmatism.
a prospective non-comparative case series.
Twenty five eyes of 15 patients underwent Trans-PRK for residual refractive error after primary LASIK. Schwind Amaris 750s laser was used with adjunctive Mitomycin C 0.02% to prevent haze formation. Trans-PRK enhancement was performed at least one year after LASIK. The Trans-PRK ablation parameters (diameter, attempted correction) were selected to avoid theoretical flap perforation. Outcomes measured were pre- and postoperative manifest refraction spherical equivalent (SE), uncorrected (UCVA) and best-corrected distance visual acuity (BCVA), and slit lamp evidence of corneal complications.
Prior to Trans-PRK enhancement the mean manifest spherical equivalent was: –0.97 D ± 1.46 D (range from - 0.75 to -2.75). At 1 year follow up 64% of the eyes were within ± 0.50 D SE and 88% were within ± 1.00 D SE. The mean UCVA improved from 20/80 preoperatively to 20/25 postoperatively. The average gain in lines for the UCVA was 2.65. Seven eyes (28%) developed mild haze which has completely resolved by the third postoperative month.
Trans-PRK enhancement with adjunctive use of Mitomycin C for the correction of residual error of refraction after LASIK using the the Schwind Amaris 750s laser is an accurate, effective, and safe procedure.
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