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Photorefractive keratectomy for extreme myopia
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Session Details
Session Title: Surface Ablations for Correction of Ammetropias
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 16/09/2014 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 08:30
Venue: Auditorium
First Author: : J.Frucht-Pery ISRAEL
Co Author(s): : Z. Caspi D. Landau E. Strassman D. Wajnsztajn
Abstract Details
To report the outcomes of photorefractive surgery (PRK) for extreme myopia in Hadassah Medical Center.
Hadassah Medical Center – Hebrew University Hospital, Ophthalmology Department, Jerusalem, Israel
We retrospectively reviewed all files of all the patients, who, between January 2009 to December 2012, underwent PRK for high myopia: over -10.00 diopters (D), with a follow-up of 6 months or more (mean 14.70 ±10.05 months). Technolass 217 Z laser was used for PRK. Mitomycin C 0.02% was used intra-operatively for 20 seconds. Principal outcomes were uncorrected and best corrected visual acuity (UCVA and BCVA respectively), refractive spherical equivalent (SEQ) and cylinder.
One hundred twenty eight eyes of 82 patients (35 males and 47 females) with mean age 27.22±8.92 years were studied. The pre-operative SEQ ranged from -10.00 D to -15.20 D, mean SEQ was -11.26±1.15 D and mean cylinder was -1.27±0.89 D. The post-operative UCVA of 6/6 was achieved in 67% of eyes and of 6/12 in 84.6%. Ninety four percent of all eyes achieved SEQ within ±1.00 D. The safety index was 1.05±0.26. Loss of 2 lines of BCVA occurred in 0.7%. We found moderate haze in 2 cases with visual axis involvement. There were no events of infections or stromal melt.
PRK for extreme myopia is a safe and efficacious procedure with low rate of complications.
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