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Effect of toricity with trifocal optics: optical bench characterization
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Session Details
Session Title: Interactive Free Paper Session: Pseudophakic IOLs/ Toric
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 16:30-18:30
Paper Time: 16:48
Venue: Capital Hall B
First Author: : D.Gatinel FRANCE
Co Author(s): : C. Pagnoulle J. Loicq
Abstract Details
to investigate the effect of toricity on apodized trifocal fully diffractive optics using an artificial eye model.
Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France
A new optical bench (PMTF4, LambdaX, Nivelles, Belgium) was designed to measure in real-time MTF (Modulation transfer function) and dioptric powers of multifocal toric intraocular lenses. The measurements were performed at one wavelength (545 nm), using an aberration free cornea according to the ISO 11979-2 guideline. The through-focus MTF was recorded in the two IOL main meridians for monofocal toric IOL and trifocal toric IOL, respectively FineVision Toric (POD F-T) and Ankoris (POD T) (Physiol, Liège, Belgium). For the sake of comparison, the (non toric) trifocal IOL (FineVision POD F) was measured in similar conditions. IOLs have been characterized according to different experimental setups; IOL on axis, tilted, decentrated and rotated at various pupil apertures.
The through-focus MTF curve of the trifocal toric IOL shows for the two meridians three MTF peaks corresponding to the far, intermediate and near vision. MTFs values for the three visions and the two meridians are similar the values ofnon toric trifocal IOL for all tested pupil apertures.The effect of lens decentration is limited until 0.5 mm. The influence of tilt is more complex and will discussed in this paper. Rotation over the IOL axis only induces a phase shift of the trifocal frame but does not affect the performances.As expected, the monofocal POD T shows no peak at intermediate and near foci, but higher MTF values in both meridians.
Toricity did not affect the energy distribution between the three foci. Trifocal optics are robust to decentration in its toric and non-toric version. Associating trifocality to toricity did not affect the optical quality in any meridian.
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One or more of the authors... gains financially from product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors... is employed by a forNONEprofit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation