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Reduced growth factor availability retards cell coverage within the capsular bag and is a beneficial outcome of open bag devices
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Session Details
Session Title: PCO
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 14:30-16:00
Paper Time: 15:40
Venue: Capital Hall B
First Author: : M.Wormstone UK
Co Author(s): : J. Eldred D. Spalton
Abstract Details
To determine whether open bag stategies could affect growth factor levels and lens cell growth across the capsular bag.
Intraocular lens (IOL) Research Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia.
Three variants on the human in vitro capsular bag model were employed. The first was used to assess an open bag IOL (Anew Zephyr™); this involved using the bag–zonular–ciliary body complex isolated from human donor eyes and attached to a silicone ring. A capsulorhexis and lens extraction were performed, and an Alcon Acrysof IOL or Anew Zephyr™ IOL implanted in to the suspended capsular bags. To assess cell growth in different medium volumes (1.5 versus 6mL) we employed a non-suspended human capsular bag model in which the bag is isolated from the ciliary body and secured to a culture dish with pins. We further adapted the capsular bag system, such that radial incisions were made in the anterior capsule, which was then folded back and secured to a dish (a fully open bag model). Cell growth was observed by phase-contrast microscopy and quantified using ImageJ software. Growth factor levels were detected by ELISA.
In serum-free culture conditions, cell growth onto the posterior capsule (PC) of preparations implanted with an Anew Zephyr™ IOL was retarded relative to match-paired capsular bags implanted with an Alcon Acrysof IOL. When comparing cell growth in different SF medium volumes, the rate was reduced in the capsular bags cultured in 6mL medium, which was also associated with reduced growth factor levels. Fully open capsular bags maintained in 1.5 or 6mL serum-free medium presented limited growth onto the PC in both volumes. If fully open capsular bags were exposed to 5% human serum, rapid colonisation of the PC ensued.
Open bag IOLs could provide benefit over conventional designs and such benefits are likely to result from reduced availability of growth factors.
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