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Correction of moderate to high hyperopia with the implantable collamer lens (ICL): 3 to 6 year follow-up
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Session Details
Session Title: Posterior chamber Phakic IOLS for correction of Myopia
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 08:59
Venue: Capital Hall B
First Author: : F.Benda CZECH REPUBLIC
Co Author(s): : L. Filipová M. Filipec
Abstract Details
To evaluate the medium-term clinical results of phakic posterior chamber Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL, STAAR Surgical AG) implantation to correct moderate and high hyperopia.
European Eye Clinic Lexum, Czech Republic
This retrospective study comprised 15 patients (28 eyes) who were corrected for medium and high hyperopia (more than +4.0 D) by Visian ICL (model ICH V3). The mean patient age was 28 years (range 18 to 36 years). The mean follow-up period was 3.6 years (3 to 6 years). Examined parameters were manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE), uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected (CDVA) distance visual acuity. Vault, anterior chamber depth (ACD), and anterior chamber angle (ACA) width were measured using Scheimpflug imaging. Patient satisfaction and complications were also recorded.
The mean MRSE decreased from preoperative +6.30 ±1.42 D to -0.29 ±0.54 D at final visit. Refraction was stable during the whole follow-up period (P=.255). The mean Snellen UDVA increased from 0.25 ±0.22 to final 0.71 ±0.23. Postoperatively, 29% of eyes gained 1 line of CDVA, while CDVA remained unchanged in 33% of eyes. No eye has lost more than 1 line of CDVA. The mean vault significantly decreased during the follow-up from 367.1 ±253.6 µm at 1 month to 283.6 ±210.0 µm at final visit (P=0.018). Compared to preoperative values, the mean ACD and ACA width also decreased at final visit (P=.036 and P=.00001, respectively). No serious complications occurred. No case of cataract or anterior subcapsular opacities formation was recorded in relation to the decrease of vault over the studied period and low vault below 100 µm in three eyes. Thirteen patients (87%) were satisfied with the outcomes, no patient was dissatisfied. Four patients (27%) with preoperative MRSE over +7.0 D reported little disturbing halo and glare under scotopic conditions.
Implantation of posterior chamber ICL is a safe, effective, predictable and stable method for the correction of moderate and high hyperopia. Despite the slight decrease of low vault in some eyes, no cataract or anterior subcapsular opacities formation occurred during the studied period.
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