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Optimizing the vault of Visian ICL: analysis of the preoperative parameters
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Session Details
Session Title: Posterior chamber Phakic IOLS for correction of Myopia
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 08:00
Venue: Capital Hall B
First Author: : Q.Zeng CHINA
Co Author(s): : Q. Chen X. Xie
Abstract Details
To analyze the correlation between preoperative parameters and vault one year after Visian Implantable Collemar Lens (ICL) implantation.
Zeng Qingyan, Chen Qian, Xie Xiuli. Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital
Seventy-eight eyes of 38 patients who underwent ICL implantation in Wuhan Aier
Eye Hospital were retrospectively reviewed in this study. Preoperative data were collected
including age, mean K reading, anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber volume (ACV), iridocorneal angle (ICA), white to white (WTW), crystalline lens thickness (LT), axial length
(AL), ICL size, and ICL spherical equivalent (SEQ). LT and AL were measured with A-scan. Vault was measured one year postoperatively by using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis of SPSS 19.0 were used to analyze associated factors affecting vaulting.
The mean age was 27.21±6.20 years.The mean preoperative ACD and LT were 3.38±0.24 mm and 3.76±0.32 mm respectively. The mean postoperative vault was 511±183.9 um. Correlation analysis showed ACD, LT, and ICL size had a strong correlation with
vaulting (Pearson correlation coefficient, r=0.582, -0.569, 0.430). Lower ACD, thicker crystalline lens and smaller ICL size tended to result in lower vaulting. ACV, WTW, ICL SEQ
were correlated with vaulting with a relatively weak relation (r=0.330, 0.322, 0.266). Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed ACD, LT and ICL SEQ were
most important factors affecting vaulting in order of contribution strength (β=331.537, -216.998, 12.404, AdjustedR2=0.469).
Vaulting was affected by many factors, in which ACD and LT might be the most important parameters. More attention should be paid to preoperative LT to help select
appropriate ICL size so as to achieve proper vaulting.
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