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Full range multifocal IOL
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Session Details
Session Title: Pseudophakic IOLs/ Multifocals I
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 16:30-18:30
Paper Time: 18:14
Venue: Boulevard A
First Author: : R.Zaldivar ARGENTINA
Co Author(s): : R. Zaldivar
Abstract Details
The goal of a multifocal IOL is to provide functional vision at different distances to minimize the use of glasses. Most studies support that these IOLs offer good distance and near visual acuity. However, It is well known that traditional diffractive bifocal multifocal IOLs report poor scores for intermediate vision, which correlates with worse intermediate visual acuity and a high percentage of patients who wear glasses for seeing objects at intermediate distance. The poor performance at intermediate vision is due to their optical design where light is distributed in two major peaks, zero order for far and first order for near vision. Recent advances in diffractive multifocal IOLs technology offer a new alternative for those desiring vision at distance, intermediate and near. This paper describes a new IOL based on 100% diffractive technology, providing an extended range of clear vision at all distances.
This was a prospective, single-arm, 3-months study conducted at 2 sites in Argentina
40 patients (80 eyes) requiring bilateral cataract extraction or refractive lens exchange and IOL implantation in both eyes with preoperative regular corneal astigmatism of less than 0.75 D received bilateral Eyediff +3.5D, IOL UK. Subjective questionnaires were administered preoperatively and 3 months postoperatively.
The residual refractive absolute error was 0,33 D, 82.5% within 0.5 D and 100% within ±1.0D. Uncorrected visual acuity was 0.00±0.2 logMAR at distance and 0.02± 0.30 logMAR at near. The intermediate vision performance was tested with the Optec 6500 and it showed a flat defocus line with a 0.22±0.14 logMAR at 50 cm, 0.25±0.13 logMAR at 57 cm, 0.26±0.13 logMAR at 66 cm, 0.23±0.14 logMAR at 80 cm and 0.20±0.13 logMAR at 100 cm. Spectacle independence was achieved in 100% of the patients for distance and near, with high levels of satisfaction reported. There were no minor adverse events described.
The Eyediff Full Range Multifocal IOL provides a good visual performance at all distances with minimal adverse effects.
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