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Comparison of contrast sensitivity results of an bioanalogic polyfocal intraocular lens WIOL-CF and ReSTOR aspheric +3.0 IOL
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Session Details
Session Title: Pseudophakic IOLs/ Multifocals I
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 16:30-18:30
Paper Time: 18:02
Venue: Boulevard A
First Author: : D.Krizova CZECH REPUBLIC
Co Author(s): : P. Studeny J. Urminsky M. Vokrojova J. Kopriva
Abstract Details
To evaluate the visual functions after bilateral implantation of a bioanalogic, polyfocal, accommodative intraocular lens WIOL-CF versus diffractive aspheric ReStor +3.0 intraocular lens (IOL).
Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady and 3rd Medical Faculty Prague, Czech Republic
28 patients (56 eyes) in WIOL-CF group and 20 patients (40 eyes) in ReStor group have been enrolled in this comparative study. The following parameters were assessed 6 months postoperatively: uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) for distance and near, subjective refraction and contrast sensitivity under photopic and mesopic light conditions.
Six months after WIOL-CF implantation the mean uncorrected distance VA (decimal) was 0.98 and 100% of patients are better than 0.8. Mean uncorrected near VA was J 2.8. Subjective refraction for distance and near was 0.04D; 1.6D respectively. Six months after ReStor aspheric IOL implantation the mean uncorrected distance VA (decimal) was 0.92 and 100% of patients are better than 0.8. Mean uncorrected near VA was J 1.5. Subjective refraction for distance and near was -0.18D; 0.2D respectively. Patients contrast sensitivity in both groups, in both photopic and mesopic light conditions, was above population norms for age 50-75 years. Mean photopic contrast sensitivity measurements were comparable in both groups in all spatial frequencies. The mean mesopic contrast sensitivity measurements were better for WIOL-CF group in higher spatial frequencies (6, 12 and 18 cdp) than for ReStor aspheric group.
Both groups of these two presbyopia correcting IOLs provided excellent uncorrected distance VA. The near VA was shown with both IOLs in social reading range, better in the ReStor group of patients. The WIOL-CF IOL with its polyfocal and large optics design improved contrast sensitivity mainly in mesopic conditions which should be important for the vision used in real life.
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