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Comparison of intraocular lens position after phacoemulsification surgery in pseudoexfoliative and normal eyes
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Session Details
Session Title: Cataract Surgery Outcomes / Femto
Session Date/Time: Monday 15/09/2014 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 08:12
Venue: Auditorium
First Author: : A.Akman TURKEY
Co Author(s): : S. Gür Güngör M. Aksoy
Abstract Details
To evaluate anterior chamber depth (ACD) and intraocular lens position in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXS) and normal patients after phacoemulsification.
Baskent University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.
Prospective study. Thirty eyes of 30 patients with PXS and 30 eyes of 30 normal patients were included in the study. Anterior chamber depth changes were compared between groups with the Pentacam-Scheimpflug imaging system.
The mean preoperative ACD were 3.04 ± 0.5 mm in PSX group and 3.26±0.3mm in normal patients (p=0.28). On the postoperative first month, the mean ACD was 3.52 ±0.3mm in PSX group and 3.38± 0.2 in normal patients (p=0.35). The postoperative mean ACD values were significantly higher than the preoperative ACD values in both groups (p < 0.0001 for both groups.). The differences of postoperative and preoperative ACD values were 0.56 ± 0.3mm in PSX group which was higher than normal patients (0.46±0.1mm) (p=0.041).
Phacoemulsification induces more significant changes in ACD in patients with PEX with respect to normal patients which could affect the effective lens position and final refraction.
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