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Intraocular lens material elasticity after injection through MICS (microincisional cataract surgery) cartridges
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Session Details
Session Title: Cataract Surgery/ Equip/ IOLs
Session Date/Time: Sunday 14/09/2014 | 14:30-16:00
Paper Time: 14:36
Venue: Capital Hall B
First Author: : P.Cecchini ITALY
Co Author(s): : G. Turco P. Leon S. Rinaldi D. Tognetto
Abstract Details
To evaluate the IOLs capability to regain the original shape after the folding process and injection through MICS (microincisional cataract surgery) cartridges.
Department of Medical Science and Eye Clinic, University of Trieste, Italy
18 IOLs were studied: 6 Alcon SN60WF, 6 Abbott Medical Optics (AMO) ZCB00 and 6 Bausch+Lomb enVista MX60 All the lens were folded and injected through MICS cartridges into a BSS vial. Three IOLs of each model were studied after 30 minutes and three after 24 hours. The lenses were metalized and subsequently analyzed at the Scanning Electron Microscopy. A 3.00 mm ring was superimposed on the image of the lenses at 20X magnification using the Image Pro Plus 6.2 software. The gap between the ring and the shape of the lens was used as an index of the capacity of the IOL material to regain its original shape.
All IOLs showed a good elasticity, with minimal deformation after 30 minutes along the folding axis. Some IOLs showed a higher deformation at 30 minutes, but after 24 hours the deformation was minimal.
MICS surgery requires a high level of elasticity of the foldable IOLs as they are forced to pass through cartridges for corneal incision of 2.2 to 1.8 mm. This study shows that the lenses we analyzed are suitable for a safe MICS procedure, even though some kind of deformation can be detected in some IOLs even after 24 hours after injection. It is possible to speculate that the IOLs strain could induce some optical aberrations. It would be of interest to investigate whether this alteration in shape could have any effect on the optical quality of the IOLs.
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