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Management of corneal astigmatism using a femtosecond laser
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Session Details
Session Title: Challenge of Astigmatism Correction
Session Date/Time: Sunday 14/09/2014 | 17:00-18:30
Paper Time: 17:30
Venue: Capital Hall A
First Author: : S.Daya UK
Co Author(s): : M. Espinosa-Lagana
Abstract Details
Clinical Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of correcting corneal astigmatism using a arcuate keratotomies using a femtosecond laser
Centre for Sight, Ambulatory Surgical Centre
A single centre, single surgeon study on 24 consecutive eyes. Arcuate incisions were performed for 0.75D or more of corneal astigmatism as part of a femtosecond laser cataract surgery procedure, comprising anterior capsulotomy, lens fragmentation and arcuate incisions (Victus; Bausch + Lomb Technolas). A diameter of 10.00 mm was used for positioning the arcuate incisions at 110 % depth of the central corneal corneal thickness using pre-operative pachymetry measurements. Incisions were opened at the completion of cataract surgery. Manifest refractive sphere and cylinder, corneal cylinder, uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) and best corrected visual acuity (CDVA) were assessed.
To-date, 1 month post-operative data is available on 24 eyes. Mean patient age was 64 years. Mean preoperative refractive cylinder was -1.11±0.67D and at one month this reduced to -0.53±0.52D. Mean post-operative manifest refractive sphere was -0.10±0.62D versus -0.57±5.80D pre-operatively. Corneal cylinder was reduced from -1.18±0.47D pre-operatively to -0.90±0.58D postoperatively. 19 eyes (79%) had a post-operative UDVA of ≥020/25 or better. 20 eyes (92%) had post-operative CDVA of 20/20 versus 13 eyes (54%) pre-operatively. No adverse events occurred. Further follow up data on a larger data set will be presented
Initial one month post-operative outcomes are promising. Use of the femtosecond laser for the management of corneal astigmatism has the potential to provide accurate and reproducible outcomes.
Financial Interest:
One or more of the authors... receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors... travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors... research is funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented