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Femtosecond laser arcuate keratotomy for the correction of post-keratoplasty astigmatism
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Session Details
Session Title: Challenge of Astigmatism Correction
Session Date/Time: Sunday 14/09/2014 | 17:00-18:30
Paper Time: 17:18
Venue: Capital Hall A
First Author: : E.Levinger ISRAEL
Co Author(s): : O. Trivizki S. Levinger
Abstract Details
To evaluated the refractive and keratometric effect of arcuate keratotomy using femtosecond technology in patients with high post-keratoplasty astigmatism
Enaim Medical Center, privet practice
Prospective interventional study included 28 eyes of 28 patients after keratoplasty surgery (17 penetrating keratoplasty, 9 intralase enabled keratoplasty). Arcuate depth incision was set to 80% of the minimal graft thickness, with a 60-degree angle. Mean diameter was 5.79 ± 0.32 according to the graft size. Patient evaluation included LogMAR best correct visual acuity (BCVA), refraction, keratometry and full eye examination.
Both UCVA and LogMAR BCVA improved after surgery. Preoperatively the mean LogMAR BCVA was 0.3 ± 0.38, and it was improved by one line to 0.2 ± 0.23 (P=0.19). The mean refractive astigmatism was -8.75 ± 2.80 D (range -4.5 to -15 D) declined after surgery at 3 months follow-up to -4.31 ± 2.30 D (P<0.001) and remained stable up to the end of the follow up (-5.50 ± 1.25 D, P=1.00). The mean keratometric value increased by 1.08 D (P<0.001). No complication or adverse effects were demonstrated during follow-up period
Arcuate keratotomies performed with the femtosecond laser were both effective and safe in reducing post-keratoplasty astigmatism
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