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Analysis of corneal endothelium changes after femtosecond-assisted cataract surgery vs conventional phacoemulsification
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Session Details
Session Title: Femtocataract I
Session Date/Time: Sunday 14/09/2014 | 08:00-10:00
Paper Time: 09:15
Venue: Boulevard A
First Author: : L.Bascaran SPAIN
Co Author(s): : M. de Frutos-Lezaun N. Imaz I. Recalde-Beitia I. Martinez-Soroa J. Mendicute
Abstract Details
Study, describe and compare endothelial cell loss and morphological changes after femtosecond assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) and conventional phacoemulsification cataract surgery.
Hospital Universitario Donostia (Spain)
30 patients with bilateral cataract were included for surgery, receiving FLACS in one eye and conventional phacoemulsification in the fellow eye one week later. First-eyes were randomized for surgery with FLACS or conventional phacoemulsification. Surgeries were performed with VICTUS Femtosecond Platform (Bausch+Lomb) and Infiniti Vision System (Alcon) followed by Envista (Bausch+Lomb) IOL implantation. A complete ophthalmological examination, including endothelial analysis, was performed before, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after surgery. For a set area, total counted cell number, minimum and maximum cell size (μm2), average (± standard deviation (SD)) cell size (μm2), cell density (cells/mm2), cell hexagonality (%) and percentages of cells of different sizes are studied. Local Ethics Committee approval for this trial and patient informed consent was obtained before inclusion. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS.
In the FLACS group, mean (±SD) preoperative values for total counted number of cells, average cell size, cell density and cell hexagonality were 147.69±38.77, 383.28±93.62, 2482.96±604.91 and 45.76±12.21 respectively. Postoperative mean (±SD) values were 130.61±36.99, 469.83±132.36, 2018.26±538.64 and 48.46±13.43 respectively. In the phacoemulsification group, mean (±SD) preoperative values for total counted number of cells, average cell size, cell density and cell hexagonality were 146.90±40.77, 373.29±94.23, 2562.96±645.20 and 45.03±12.90. Postoperative mean values (±SD) were 142.14±30.46, 461.50±106.65, 2245.35±463.31 and 51.39±7.32 respectively. Postoperative differences in cell number or changes in cell size, cell density or cell hexagonality between FLACS and phacoemulsification groups were not statistically significant (p>0.05).
Changes in endothelial cell number, cell density or cell morphology in the conventional phacoemulsification group compared to the changes after FLACS are not statistically significant in this series of patients.
Financial Interest:
One or more of the authors... travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented