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Tolerance to refractive errors of a new technology for extending range of vision
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Session Details
Session Title: IOL Technology / Accommodative IOLs etc.
Session Date/Time: Saturday 13/09/2014 | 16:00-18:00
Paper Time: 17:24
Venue: Boulevard A
First Author: : P.Piers THE NETHERLANDS
Co Author(s): : C. Canovas S. Manzanera H. Weeber J. Marin P. Artal
Abstract Details
Adaptive optics visual simulation (AOVS) is a non invasive technique wherein the expected clinical outcomes of new ophthalmic technologies can be assessed. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of residual refractive errors (i.e. sphere and cylinder) on the performance of a new IOL design for extending the range of vision (ERV) in pseudophakic eyes.
1) AMO Groningen, The Netherlands, 2) Laboratorio de Optica, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 3) Oftalmología, Hospital “Virgen de la Arrixaca”, Murcia, Spain
A new IOL, the TECNIS® Symfony, was designed using two complimentary diffractive technologies to provide a continuous full range of high quality vision. A binocular AOVS was used to assess high contrast visual acuity (VA) as a function of object vergeance with SLOAN letters. Four subjects were tested under monocular conditions with a 3.5 mm physical pupil in white light when looking through the phase profile that corresponds to the TECNIS Symfony design. The tolerance to residual astigmatism was tested by inducing cylinder values up to -1D in -0.5D steps in the spectacle plane. The tolerance to the residual sphere was assessed by inducing refractive errors of ±0.5D, mimicking an error in IOL power selection of approximately ±0.75D.
In the absence of refractive errors, average monocular VA provided with the TECNIS Symfony design was -0.03±0.07LogMAR for distance vision. VA did not drop from the peak performance by more than one line over the range of vergeances up to and including 1.5 D. Similar to monofocal IOLs, residual astigmatism results in a slight drop of VA. Spherical refractive errors shift the through focus curve but do not change its shape. In the presence of refractive errors simulating an over or underestimation of IOL power of 0.75D, through-focus VA does not drop from the peak value by more than one line for a range of vergeances up to 1.25D and 2.25D respectively .
Through focus VA curves for the new TECNIS Symfony design, in the presence of residual refractive errors were measured in this study in an AO vision simulator. The measured defocus VA curves showed the range of vision over which the performance of the IOL does not decrease by more than one line of VA was maintained for residual cylinder values up to 1D. This performance is also tolerant to defocus errors that result from incorrect IOL power choice.
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One or more of the authors... is employed by a forNONEprofit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation, One or more of the authors... research is funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors... receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented