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Evolution of plate torsion haptic IOLs: how design changes impact on clinical outcomes
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Session Details
Session Title: IOL technology/New IOLs etc.
Session Date/Time: Saturday 13/09/2014 | 08:30-10:30
Paper Time: 08:36
Venue: Boulevard A
First Author: : S.Kuznetsov RUSSIA
Co Author(s): : T. Galeev T. Silnova
Abstract Details
Analysis of clinical results of implantation of two models of plate torsion haptic IOLs (open bag device).
Department of Ophthalmology, Penza Federal State Institute for Postgraduate Medical Studies of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Penza, Russia.
Two models of hydrophobic open bag devices – plate torsion haptic IOLs – MIOL-27 and modified MIOL-27 Soft by “Reper-NN Ltd.” (Russia) 5,5 x 15,5 x 0,2 mm by size differing in design and rigidity of haptics were used. The lenses were implanted after uncomplicated routine PHACO through the incision of 2.2 mm: MIOL-27 on 170 eyes of 146 patients, follow-up up 1 to 5.5 years, and MIOL-27 Soft on 20 eyes of 20 patients, follow-up up 6 months to 1 year. All patients were completely examined in pre-op and post-op including post-op UBM-monitoring of lens position. A clarifying calculation of A-constants for both IOL models was performed on the basis of the IOL position and refractive results of surgery.
All implantations were no complicated. Position of both IOL models was stable according to UBM data and did not change over the entire follow-up. Visual acuity corresponded to retinal. A-constants set based on refractive re-sults of surgery and different lenses positions according to UBM biometric. MIOL-27 lens completely restored the volume of native lens, and its position did not differ significantly from the preoperative position of native lens posterior capsule. A-constant was 122.6. MIOL-27 Soft does not completely replace the volume of remote lens and its optic was located closer to the eye anterior segment. A-constant was 120.0.
Both IOL models demonstrated their safety and efficacy in recovery of anatomic and topographic relationships in the eye after cataract removing as well as a prevention of secondary cataract. Also they meet to modern re-quirements in micro-invasive cataract surgery. Individual A-constants for each lens design were set. It should be noted that more soft haptics of the second lens model easily folded in the cartridge, and the lens was more stable in the capsular bag intra-op during implantation. Also the features of the design and rigidity of this lens are the cause of A-constant change and more forward IOL position.
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