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Learning bimanual microincision cataract surgery (B-MICS): results and complications for three surgeons in training
Poster Details
First Author: T.Verdina ITALY
Co Author(s): V. Volante M. Forlini G. Delvecchio G. Cavallini
Abstract Details
To evaluate visual outcomes and complications of bimanual microincisional cataract surgery (B-MICS) performed by three surgeons in training.
Institute of Ophthalmology, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy (Head: Prof. Gian Maria Cavallini).
A prospective study regarding 150 eyes of 136 patients who underwent cataract surgery was performed at the Institute of Ophthalmology of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Modena, Italy) by three surgeons in training under expert surgeons supervision. All of them used for the first time B-MICS technique. Best corrected visual acuity, astigmatism, corneal pachymetry and endothelial cell count were evaluated before and after the surgery at 7 and 30 days. Intra-operative parameters were recorded as well as intra- and postoperative complications. Statistical review has been analyzed through T Student's Test and Multivariate Significance test (StatSoft® software).
Out of 150 cataract surgeries we had 18 intraoperative complications (12%) including ten iris traumas (6,6%), four capsule ruptures without vitreous loss (2,7%); three posterior capsule ruptures with vitreous loss (2%) and one IOL implantation in the sulcus due to marked zonular laxity (0,7%). Five post-operative complications (3,3%): two iris prolapses (1,3%); one IOL loop malposition (0,7%); one post-operative hypotalamia (0,7%) and one capsulorhexis phimosis (0.7%). After surgery, mean BCVA improvement was 0.53±0.20 at 30 days (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant induced astigmatism with an average decrease of 0.09±0.54 (p=0.29) diopters at 30 days after surgery. Corneal pachymetry values showed a not statistically significant increase (7.42±22.01 mm) at 30 days (p=0.12). Finally, we noticed a statistically significant endothelial cell loss between the pre- and post-operative stages with a mean endothelial cell loss 496,50±469,66 cells/mm2 at 30 days (p<0.05).
B-MICS is a safe and effective technique when performed by surgeons in training. Visual outcomes and complication rates are similar to those reported in literature on cataract surgery performed by surgeons in training with traditional coaxial technique. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE