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Topographic aberrometric guided custom ablation (TAGCA) transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) with simultaneous accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking (ACXL)
Poster Details
First Author: S.Al Bayati UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To assess the effectiveness of TAGCA Trans Epithelial PRK with Simultaneous ACXL to enhance the Visual Acuity(VA) in Keratoconus(KC) Patients.
New Vision Eye Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
A- 30 Eyes with progressive KC • Clear cornea no hydrops. •Pachymeter not below 400µm. •k reading not more 60 D .B- Using software which incorporates algorithmically the refraction error(RE) and the high order aberration(HOA) that it won't create refractive over correction. C- Trans Epithelial PRK using refractive software in management plan of HOA and RE, advanced torsional static and dynamic eye tracking system •The thinnest corneal Pachymeter and the central corneal Pachymeter should not reach less 300. •The Optical Zone should cover the outer border of the cone.D- Mitomycin-c in a concentration of 0.02% for 20 seconds post laser .E- Followed by ACXL in which Isotonic Riboflavin Dextran 500 or Hypotonic Riboflavin Dextran 500 used according to the corneal thickness. UVA light of mean 365-nm wavelength and 18mW/cm² radiance at 2.5 cm was projected onto the surface of cornea for 5 minutes when corneal thickness reached 400µm.
All eyes showed enhancement in their unaided distance visual acuity(UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) ,spherical equivalent(SE) ,total HOA, and coma HOA• No eyes showed Corneal Haze more than Grade 2 • No over correction in all treated eyes. • All eyes showed full stability and no progression in K reading. Q Value was maintained in all eyes.
Trans Epithelial PRK treating KC by using refractive software in management of abnormal HOA with Simultaneous ACXL appears to be safe and efficient in visual acuity enhancement and rehabilitation in KC progression. Also it shows it's a good alternative method to other modalities of Keratoconus Treatment. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE