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Depth of focus depending on spherical aberrations
Poster Details
First Author: S.Pieh AUSTRIA
Co Author(s): C. Skorpik G. Schmidinger
Abstract Details
Aim of this setup is to demonstrate in which extend spherical aberrations improve the depth of focus and reduce the image quality.
Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry of the Medical University Vienna
An optical bench using an artificial cornea with a spherical aberration of 0,26µm.
Overall 11 intraocular lenses have been examined, so that the total wavefront showed a spherical aberration of -0,5µm to -0,5µm, in 0,1µm steps. In all 11 cases a „ Trough Focus Response' curve has been determined.
All 11 „Trough Focus Response' curves will be showed in overlapping diagrams to reveal the intersections points. These results will be correlated with the defocus distance in dioptres.
Without defocussing, the wavefront without spherical aberration shows the best image quality. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE