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Comparison of different eye models in simulating healthy and presbyopic eyes
Poster Details
First Author: G.Zoulinakis SPAIN
Co Author(s): E. Papadatou T. Ferrer-Blasco D. Madrid-Costa R. Montés-Micó
Abstract Details
To compare 3 different eye models simulated in Zemax, in healthy and presbyopic conditions and in accommodating and non-accommodating situations.
University of Valencia - Optics Faculty, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain.
We used Zemax-EE Optical Design Program in order to design three different eye models, the Navarro, the Arizona and the Liou Brennan eye model. Then we used measurements taken from literature in order to simulate healthy and presbyopic eyes in both accommodation and non-accommodation situations.
We retrieved design models, graphs of spot diagrams, MTF functions and diffraction images calculated from Zemax. Comparing the accommodating and non-accommodating eye models, we detected only minor differences between them.
Zemax could serve as a useful tool in order to design a human eye model and to use it in order to simulate different accommodation situations and presbyopic health conditions of the eye. There is no ideal model to simulate all the eyes in general. However a model can be used in order to provide us with lot of information about how the human eye works and how we can simulate different refractive procedures to presbyopia correction. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE