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Evaluation of clinical outcomes from a 2.5D ADD multifocal IOL: multi-regional data
Poster Details
First Author: A.Maxwell USA
Co Author(s): M. Venkiteshwar
Abstract Details
To evaluate and compare clinical outcomes on a 2.5D ADD multifocal intraocular lenses from 2 randomized clinical trials.
Two randomized clinical studies were conducted to evaluate the clinical performance of the AcrySof ReSTOR 2.5 D multifocal IOLs. The studies had 155 (study 1 w/ 6-month follow up) and 53 patients (study 2 w/ 3-month follow up) who underwent bilateral cataract extraction and implantation of the AcrySof ReSTOR 2.5D ADD multifocal IOLs. Clinical outcome measures include visual acuity at distance and near, range of vision measured by binocular defocus curve and contrast sensitivity with and without glare.
6-month distance corrected visual acuity was -0.04±0.10, 0.23±0.14 and 0.34±0.15 logMAR at 4m, intermediate 60cm, and near 40cm in study 1 (n=153), respectively. Mesopic contrast sensitivity was 1.04 log unit or better in both glare and no glare conditions. In Study 2, 3-month distance corrected visual acuity 2 (n=53) was-0.08±0.08, 0.13±0.02, and 0.26±0.02 logMAR at 4m, 60 cm and 40 cm. Mesopic contrast sensitivity with and without glare was 1.2 log units or better at all spatial frequencies tested.
Clinical outcomes following bilateral implantation of the AcrySof ReSTOR 2.5 D multifocal IOL reveal good range of vision. The results from the 2 studies show consistency in clinical outcomes with the AcrySof ReSTOR 2.5 D multifocal IOL. FINANCIAL INTEREST: One of more of the authors... is employed by a forNONEprofit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation, One of more of the authors... research is funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One of more of the authors... receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented