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The effect of age and refraction in presbyopic patients implanted with a hydrogel shape-changing corneal inlay
Poster Details
First Author: B.Cochener FRANCE
Co Author(s): E. Barragan A. Chayet
Abstract Details
To analyze the effects of age and preoperative manifest refraction on near and distance visual performance in patients implanted with Raindrop Inlay.
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest. Brest
One hundred eighty-eight patients implanted with a Raindrop Near Vision Inlay in the non-dominant eye were used for this analysis. Age and manifest refraction (MRSE: -0.50 to +1.50 D) at the time of surgery were used as the preoperative variables. Uncorrected visual acuity (UDVA and UNVA) and task performance without spectacles 3 months after inlay implantation were used as the endpoints to establish visual performance
Monocular UNVA (p = 0.90) and near task performance (p = 0.97) were not statistically associated with preoperative age or refraction. Average UNVA was better than 20/25 by 3 months postop. In patients with MRSE between -0.50 to +1.50 D, monocular UNVA was not statistically associated with preoperative age or refraction. In patients with MRSE between +0.25 to +1.50 D, monocular UDVA was not statistically associated with preoperative age or refraction. In this range, average UDVA was better than 20/25 by 3 months after implantation.
Binocularly, nearly all patients have the ability to perform all near and distance visual tasks across the refractive range investigated. Monocularly, Raindrop inlay provides consistent uncorrected vision that is independent of preoperative age and manifest refraction for patients between +0.25 D and +1.50 D. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE